Catalytic converter red hot & very rough engine after maintenance service

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Baby Prius, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Baby Prius

    Baby Prius Junior Member

    Jun 6, 2014
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    2007 Prius
    I just got PCV, throttle body & MAF sensor cleaning, spark plugs, and transaxle fluid change done at a local non-dealer shop. The mechanic noticed car running very rough after everything has been done and found out that my catalytic converter is red hot. He told me that the car does run pretty rough after throttle body cleaning and to see if the problem goes away and to schedule to inspect catalytic converter problem later. I drove about 5 miles and stopped because it didn't show any improvement and the burning smell and shaking was just very bad and scary both at idle and acceleration.

    I think he might have triggered something like putting a bad plug or done something to the MAF sensor. While I never checked catalytic converter I never smelled anything like what I was smelling today. It was very noticeable smell not to mention the some plastic part around the catalytic converter melted and broke off easily when the mechanic pulled it. I also went to the dealership about 2 weeks ago and did diagnostic and they said nothing about catalytic converter.

    Do you think a lot of damage has already been done to the ICE and catalytic converter? Car is pulling less than 15 MPG and the battery is at 1 purple bar.

    What should I tell my mechanic tomorrow?

    Any input would be appreciated.
    Thank you.
  2. arescec

    arescec Active Member

    Feb 26, 2015
    2010 Prius
    Plug in OBD II adapter (ELM317 or the like - ebay for few $), connect it to Torque app and there you will be able to monitor catalytic converter values. For me temperature was about 600C when heated up.
    Baby Prius likes this.
  3. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    What was the result of the Toyota dealership diagnostic?
    It sounds like your engine has a severe fuel/air mixture problem where excessive unburnt fuel is ending up in the catalytic converter, thus heating it up.
    Yes, the catalytic converter may have been destroyed.
    There is no reason for the engine to run rough after throttle body cleaning unless the mechanic used the entire can of fluid. That is totally unnecessary, the correct procedure is just to moisten a clean cloth with fluid and scrub the throttle body interior and throttle plate.
    Is the check engine light or any other warning lights on? If yes, the first step is to have the diagnostic trouble codes read so that you will have a clue about what is wrong with the engine.
  4. Baby Prius

    Baby Prius Junior Member

    Jun 6, 2014
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    2007 Prius
    Dealer mentioned something about rusty plugs and misfire codes -- reason I did these maintenance services. Everything was running fine though except occasional engine light coming on and off. I think it was code for bad gas or something or at least that's how dealership put it at diagnosis before the this recent one. I'm about to the check the exact codes in a minute.

    I've been reading online about what causes catalytic converter to overheat and I've read bad misfire and dirty MAF sensor can allow unburned fuel to pass into the exhaust. I just find it very strange that car becomes like this so suddenly from services that supposed to help with the problem.

    Also, do you need special code readers (like the ones that arescec mentioned), tool, or procedure to pull codes from a Prius? Because my mechanic yesterday could not find out how to pull codes nor did an Autozone employee.

    Well, I hope I get this figured out and fixed up today.

    Oh, speaking of getting it fixed up today, do you think I can purchase the catalytic converter locally? If so, where do I have best chance of finding it?

    Thank you so much for the help!
  5. M in KC

    M in KC Active Member

    Jun 21, 2014
    KC, MO
    2005 Prius
    You need a new or at the least an alternative mechanic, and parts house monkeys are just that. You need an OBDII reader to scan for any DTC. Even better a mini VCI and Toyota's Tech-stream. You should be able to source, if needed, a catalytic converter locally today. Some of the larger parts houses have same day delivery if the part is in their distribution center.
    Baby Prius likes this.
  6. Dion Kraft

    Dion Kraft Member

    Nov 16, 2015
    Washington, UT
    2004 Prius
    Not so fast on the CAT replacement.!

    You need to fix the source of the problem which causes the CAT to be overheated. That problem is most likely the MAF is not calculating correctly and or you still have a missfire state. If the plugs were replaced then I would go with the MAF gone bad. Driving around with the CEL light going on and off is indicative of missfire and VERY bad for the CAT as the unburned gas negates the effectiveness of the CAT. Solution is to fix the cause of the problem and after that has been done then you need to use a scanner to see the effectiveness of the CAT after repair. The car has two Oxygen sensors on it. In front of the CAT and one behind. The eng computer checks to see HOW much activity is in both and compares the reading to see if the CAT is still effective. The front O2 sensor detects the amount of oxygen in the stream and is usually very active...once exhaust enters the CAT then the 2nd O2 sensor reads the exhaust and reports back.
    In a CAT that is still good the 2nd O2 sensor reads little activity which means the CAT is doing its job. If it reads lots of activity means the CAT is not effective and needs replacement. Hope this helps.
    Baby Prius likes this.
  7. wjtracy

    wjtracy Senior Member

    Sep 19, 2006
    Northern VA (NoVA)
    Other Hybrid
    You can get a cat on EBAY if the time comes...
    Baby Prius likes this.
  8. Baby Prius

    Baby Prius Junior Member

    Jun 6, 2014
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    2007 Prius
    First of all thank you all for helping!

    The problem was MAF sensor. I took the car back to the mechanic and checked plugs were fine. I asked if he could clean the MAF sensor again and he said he has already done it twice because he noticed the car was running rough. He then showed me how it made no visible improvement when he sprayed some more on the sensor; it was still cloudy. As last hope we replaced the MAF sensor with the new one and it ran normal again.

    I'm just confused how MAF sensor cleaning spray caused such drastic change to the sensor. The car was running perfectly smooth (except some misfire caused shaking which dissapeared after dealer cleaned the plugs) until I've done the cleaning. I thought the spray was supposed to do good to the sensor not make it worse. Can MAF sensor cleaning spray actually be harmful to sensors that are already in bad condition?

    Also, we still couldn't find out how to pull out codes out of my car. We've checked that the port does have power. But his OBD2 scanner did not work nor did O'reily's, Auto-Zone's, and Advanced Auto Part's OBD2 scanners. Is there something wrong with my car's computer that it's not triggering scanners?

    Engine light has been on constantly and I really want to check the codes to see it if catalytic converter or any other component related to misfire or fuel/air mixture has been damaged.

    Could 10 miles of driving with bad MAF sensor ruin catalytic converter and/or ICE badly? I mean the car was running really scary--it was barely accelerating, shaking hard non-stop at idle, and very unpleasant burning scent from glowing red catalytic converter.

    I'm glad the car is normal now but I'm still worried!
  9. Dion Kraft

    Dion Kraft Member

    Nov 16, 2015
    Washington, UT
    2004 Prius
    The best thing is NOT to worry. Your car runs fine now and THATS what counts. Sure you may have taken off some miles off the life of the CAT Converter but as long as your CEL - Check Engine Lite is off in regards to the CAT your going to be okay. In the future DO NOT let maintenance clean your MAF. I know it can help but depending on the worker it can cause more harm than good. It shows especially when after the work the technician does not verify their work. Most of the time its just padding the bill in my opinion. Alright good luck!
    Andyprius1 likes this.