My new Prius has almost 10,000 miles on it now. Thinking about trading it in for a Toyota Avalon or Hyundai Genesis, more Premium luxury car. Don't get me wrong, Prius is a great car and I drive like 75 miles everyday. With the gas prices going down and likely staying that way for at least an year, I feel driving/ a more powerful V6 engine car. Is it worth trading it in for an Avalon ? Your thoughts.
...believe Munpot here on Prius Chat went the Avalon route...he'd be glad to give some advice. We actually allow Avalon owners to stay as members...OK we let everyone stay
The Avalon is more luxury, but that means more money for it. You'll lose a bunch trading in, but if that is not important, then go for it.
the trick is to buy gas guzzlers when price is up and fuel sippers when gas is down. financially speaking of course. sometimes we just want what we want.
I love it! Buy high, sell low just like the stock market. Enjoy your new car and come back next year asking if you should trade-in your 2016 Avalon for a 2017 Prius because fuel prices have gone up and you have a crystal ball that says it'll likely stay up for at least a year. All kidding aside. Trade it in if you want to but don't try to justify it by saying gas prices are likely to stay low. No one knows. Justify it by saying you want a more luxurious car. No need to feel guilty you're spending more money.
lol Will include Hycam to my test drive list as well. In all likeliness, I might still keep the Prius. Its hard to part with Prius and hence its a tough decision. It has its drawbacks when it comes to ride comfort, but tons of pluses as well.That why I was inclined to take an opinion of someone who has gone this route. But When I think about spending 75 miles a day on a premium v6 car, well,....not sure anymore...
hahha Very true mmmodem. When I bought the Prius by selling off my old car, I did a little calculation, I have to drive the Prius like 12 years to save enough money in order to brake even.Back then I really wanted the Prius, so guess we all do what we want, gas prices are just an excuse.
If I didn't care so much about MPG's, I would drive the Prius all the time in Power mode, and get some fat 17" wheels...maybe you'll appreciate the Prius more that way, instead of taking the financial hit of trading it in. I'll consider some mods when I have the car paid off in a few years, still love my Prius the way it is, but this thread is already giving me some ideas... What did you do to ur Gen III Prius today???? | Page 512 | PriusChat
I went form a Prius to an Avalon hybrid, sold the Prius privately, then bought the Avalon, I was intending to get the Camry Hybrid but I make the mistake of test driving the Avalon. Never even thought of the V6, 200 hp is enough for me, but I understand the V6 is fast, but needs premium fuel, good luck with your decision.
Ok. Thanks. I was thinking about normal Avalon not the hybrid version.The mpg is 21/31 combined 24MPG I think. That has a 268 HP if I can recall correctly.Hybrid Avalon is expensive for me also like you said just 200 hp.
Sandesh, if only more people would trade in their cars for ones that burn twice as much gas we'd be able to get some people back to work and draw down some of that bothersome inventory. If you aren't happy with the car you bought then sell it to someone who will be happy with it. There's nothing wrong with wanting a cushy ride.
agreed. i love my prius, but when traveling back and forth to florida each winter, my wifes hycam is a sweet ride. and we get 40 mpg along the way. not hard to take. the gen 4 prius sounds like a much better trip mobile.
It might burn twice the gas, but Avalon is twice the car in terms of power.Plus the Hybrid gas/money saving math don't add up to me, because I sold an old Honda accord which was giving me 27 mpg for the Prius.So to recoup what I paid for the Prius I have to drive it for at least a decade. I did test drive a 2015 Avalon its an awesome car.But ultimately I decided against Avalon mainly because of Price factor.I had invested a bit of money in order to get this Persona, now I have to put a lot more to get the Avalon I love the Prius and when traveling at around 55 miles its as quiet as the next Premium Car.I might invest in some upgrades to Prius in addition to what I have already done, plus will drive in power mode more often.I did a test drive of Hyundai Genesis too (has appalling mpg), but in terms of long term savings/reliability, no car out there can beat the Prius. I think the only car that can beat a Prius is another Prius(2016).
No, a used Honda Accord that gets 27 mpg is much better in terms of savings/reliability. It will take over a decade to make up for the cost of a new Prius versus a paid off car that you already own. For the first few years reliability will be better in the Prius. But at the end of the first decade, all cars are unreliable. Even here on a Prius forum, you will find few that will recommend a 10 year Prius with 150k mile to someone living paycheck to paycheck. People come up to me all the time asking me how much I am saving driving a Prius. I tell them nothing. I pay extra to drive a Prius. I had a perfectly working Honda Civic that was paid off. I got the Prius for solo carpool. My fuel costs $100 less a month but I now have a $500 car payment. I'm paying a whole lot more to drive a Prius.
Agree 100%. A new Toyota Prius hatchback and the upscaled model PiP is a lot more expensive in it's life span than a comparable vehicle in withing its size and close to their fuel economy.
it's amazing how many people think it's about the money. otoh, there's the other 99% of the motoring public.