Would I get any tax credits for purchasing my Persona last yet? Or is it only if you have a plug in? WIsconsin iPhone ?
No federal hybrid credits. So far as I know, the only "state" with a hybrid financial incentive is DC. Some rare localities have incentives (eg; Arlington County, Virginia)
The tax you paid for the car is a write off and your registration fee also. Your tax guy should know what to do
I bought a Prius in '08, and another in '12 -- coincidentally each of the years Obama was elected. I have yet to gain a dime of tax benefit. I guess I need to trade for an F-150 so my annual inspection won't cost as much. NC has to check the emissions on my Prii
Sounds like NC has a questionable inspection system. At least in Virginia, Prius are exempt from emissions testing. Not sure what happens after 10-years old..I may find out later this year. USA prefers to give incentives to Plug-Ins.
I wish there was still a small tax break...hybrids and plug-in/hybrids are far more practical for the mass market than pure EVs.
Plug-in Hybrids (PiP, Volt etc) do qualify for significant Federal and some state incentives. TX has some good rebates on paper, for Plug-In Prius, but it's a Catch-22: nice rebate, but the joke is, you cannot get a PiP that qualifies...
Plug-in yes...as far as regular Prius only Wash DC has decent tax-free purchase If anyone has different info, please advise. One would think HI and AK might have an need to reduce fuel demands.
You'd think with all the emmission requirements in this state, you'd get a little incentives with going green!
Well you get one helluva savings on the state gaso tax and the hidden carbon tax, not to mention California's intent to go further in those directions. Not to mention the natural geographic separation from the Gulf Coast oil supplies.
Well I belly-ached before and I guess I will again - I bought a Prius in each of the two years Obama was elected and have yet to see a dime's worth of tax benefit - Federal or State. And with gas still less than $2/gal I guess nobody gives a rip. The economy is aching for us to use more gas & drive the prices back up. XT1254 ?
Yes the hybrid "premium" is getting harder to pay off these days. That's partially why the % of hybrids sold in California keeps going up and up as they still have the higher gaso prices. We may get to 35% of all USA hybrids sold in CA this year up from 20% a few years ago. CA has 12% of the population. As far as Plug-Ins such as the new Prius Prime, a growing number of states and federal government give good rebates. Although NC/VA are not in that state group.