And the affluenza teen has now gone missing . Ethan Couch of 'affluenza' fame missing from probation - Ethan Couch's disappearance no surprise, victim's dad says - Ugh!
i suspect the probation violation won't add up to much. the courts haven't changed for the better in 2 years. what happened to the rest of this tread?
Andy Andy Andy... you had to know his mommy wouldn't let her little precious go back to that bad jail just because he broke another law did you. She needs to get prosecuted for aiding and abetting This crime can be up to a Class 4 FELONY, punishable by up to two (2) years in prison and/or a fine up to $500,000.00
CNN a couple days ago saying they could have flown away with plane tickets, but that seemed half-baked as then there would be flight record on the airlines. I'd be suspecting drive to Mexico but have not heard updated theory.
They could have possibly rented a charter flight under different names. Easily enough done I would assume with enough cash.. Which they obviously have.
Hey! That fine just might help cure the kid (and mom) of their affluenza! The state would be doing them a huge favor. If not, they can raise the fine until they are cured
'Affluenza' teen Ethan Couch detained in Mexico - 'Affluenza' Teen Ethan Couch, Mother Detained in Mexico - NBC News Yay!
Idiots. Going to a touristy town in Mexico?! Should have driven to Mexico and flown to Panama. Mexico has been extraditing for everything recently to keep getting those US dollars. Mexico is not where you flee, and if they couldn't use some of that money to buy a computer to do a Google search, I don't feel bad for them.
This is Texas, the most corrupt state in the Union, money buys you anything, he is going to get another probation with the threat of big boy prison, then another search, then another probation, then another search, then another probation, and on and on.
I think you're mistaken Bra... He got off before because he didn't have a record. This time, with all the bad press, they won't have it as easy.
Aw, 'cause he bored with nothing better to do, and, HEY, this gets him his 15 minutes of FAME!!! DBCassidy