Those rain3x (or any other brand I imagine) anti-fog wipes work great at minimizing fog buildup on the interior windshield.
Gotta agree completely with you, Wolfie. I got my lightly-used one for 14k, quite a huge discount! I wanted one from the minute they came out, but didn't have $30k+. My daily trips are perfect for the PiP. 13 miles to the train station on electricity, and my local trips to the bank, store, etc. are all in EV range. Only my return commute from the train station is HV mode. And even in HV move it's almost 2x the mpg I was getting in my lovely Honda Fit. And after 6 years of gas being above $3 per gallon for the most part, I suspect prices will be rising again. Either way, my electricity is currently around 7 cents / kwh, which still beats gas at $2.25 / gallon when converted to cost per mile. Plugging in is no major chore in a garage; my cable and standard outlet are right next to the charging port!
Looks perfect for you! Where I am at, it is still almost $3.00 for gas and $0.1977 per kWh. I still waiting to get approved for my PIP, but not as cheap as yours. 2012 PIP Blizzard Pearl w/ 37k miles for $14,998 plus TTL.
Yous guys just don't get it! Buying a PIP is not about savings, economics, or money. It is about buying the most fuel efficient car, using fossil fuels and electricity, to minimize greenhouse gasses and preserve the environment for your grandchildren! Today I am only burning 20% to 25% gasoline with my PIP compared to my previous car and I generate my own electricity with solar panels. Actually this strategy is less harmful to the environment AND is more economical in the long run.
Agreed! And don't forget the small improvement in mpg on long trips that aren't just flat high speed freeway.
Yeah, but your post was ambiguous and wishy-washy. I don't equivocate! I am an unabashed tree hugger by inclination, education, and profession! Our generation will be judged by what kind of stewards we were of the environment. Right now it is not looking good for the vast majority of us! Too many of us think about options in terms of what puts the most money in our pocket. Remember THAT when you vote and when you purchase your next mode of transportation.
My next mode of transportation purchase may be a bus pass. I can see us going another 5 years with our 2010, then see how it goes.
You're getting coal in your stocking this Christmas! I guess we can save Santa a trip to your house!!!!! You can redeem yourself if you put a red nose on and lead my sleigh this Christmas!
Ha!, my two beautiful daughters think that I should have been traveling on a bus pass FIVE YEARS AGO!
You're welcome anytime; why wait for Christmas?! Better yet, drop in at one of our SoCal Mod Parties. We'll drop that Prius of yours "in the weeds!" = get you another couple of MPGs.