Newbie here! And imagine my shock as a completely apolitical non-television news ignorant (by choice) car shopper who chose a new Prius when friends - FRIENDS attacked! I'm happily on week 3, patiently waiting to perform my first fill-up and have been trying to figure out why all the hate. I still don't get it but to coin a phrase popular with the kids, haters gonna hate I guess.
I'd like to say the "hate" is fully imagined. And I do think the persecution Prius owners "like" to embrace is overblown. But I would also say, I have friends that have been sarcastic about my Prius purchase since day one. It's disappointing but I don't care, as I go year by year with less than 1/2 the gas bill they have, and the ability to take long economical road trips. The proof is in the results...years of reliable transportation, and one of the most gas efficient vehicles on the road? Let em' hate. I have too much class to be sarcastic when they tell me about the small loan they have to take out to fill their huge diesel pick-up.
not me! but i hear you. most of my friends and family would never consider a hybrid, let alone prius. congrats and welcome, all the best!
There is unfortunately a segment of the male population that consider the Prius a "girly car". Hate is probably too strong a word for that. Maybe disdain would be better. Now I have seen some temporary hate on the part of other drivers, mainly habitual tailgaters, who come up on my bumper on the highway, and go through the head and steering bob for a while until they realize that I am indeed keeping up with the flow of traffic, despite the safe gap in front of me. I take a little grain of pride when I see some of them eventually drop back and also leave a safe gap, thinking I may have "turned" them, or at least made them temporarily think twice about what they are doing. I imaging that would happen regardless of what I was driving, but would not be surprised to see it magnified with the "damn Prius slowpokes" attitude, which unfortunately is somewhat justified based on a lot of other Prius drivers I see.
I'm grateful to live in a society where we have the luxury of being 'outraged' by other people's new car choices.
It used to be daily but now it's more a once a week ridicule. Can't say I've been able to totally ignore them but I have countered with pity. Pity in that some people need to drive a flashy car to commute which is a task most dislike.
I think it may be regional/rural thing too. Trucks, shotguns and moonshine do not go together with Prius, but if you move closer to Wash DC metro area, noone hates Prius, every 3rd owns one. They are more common around here than Corollas. Congrats on buying one, it is a nice little car and it is gonna save you some gas good luck!
I receive crap from folks everyday. I work in Auto promotions and people will ask what I own and it's embarrassing. only because i'm there talking to them about say a Tundra, or an FR-S, or an old turbo mr-2. it is what it is. a lot of blind hatred. jokes on them and tehir wasted money on fuel, for not even a fast car or not even using their large vehicle to it's full potential.Then again when people see my Prius it normally impresses or people just laugh even more. oh wells.
Welcome Rockstar!! We prius owners get our revenge back over time. 3 years from now, after they start having catalytic issues, transmission issues, timing belt issues, sensor codes causing them to fail smog tests, warped rotors (on a car with less than 50K miles on it), head gasket issues, u-joint issues, main computer issues...............they will come to their senses! The prius hybrid system, simply put, is the best tandem system manufacted out there and is affordable for the majority to buy and drive. That is why I bought mine. I had gone thru all of the aforementioned issues within 3 years of all my prior "new" cars. It gets old when stuff starts breaking down with a 3 year old car. And, most of the issues have to be resolved at the dealer. The parts always had to be "ordered". Then when it comes, its for the wrong car. They you wait days while driving their "loaner" car (with the hopes of you caving in to bite the bullet and just have them use your car as a trade in)..............etc, etc, etc. They are haters because they know you got a better car. Period. Heck, a lady who drives a Mercedes had the nerve to tell me, "I like it when my Mercedes gets over 40 miles to the gallon"...................yeah, whatever!
Friends don't let friends drive stock. That's just me though I'm young and dumb. I dump lots o dollars in ALMOST everything I own. I was hoping this car would stop me from customizing and say stock but nope stupidity wins. Meh. Can't even lie I hate the way close to 95% of cars look stock, even exotics. Wheel gap is not the business.
Tis why I'm hating life and utterly unhappy with my car saving up for air. Ha ha. And yes I actually like when thighs rub. Ha ha. If it ain't rubbing it's too much. Both thigh and wheel gap.
it is nice to see someone with 100% opposite taste sometimes. That way you get full coverage and no overlap
True that. One can love or hate something and still have the utmost level of respect for the results. Not that I love fatties, but yeah I've had a saying since highschool. "Thickness in a quickness" Fwiw my wheels combo will be 185/55 r16 on 16x8 wheels. Skinny and fat at the same time!
Welcome Delaware ...just don't slow me down on I95 when I'm cutting through in my 06 Prius...I might have to pass you just contingently just in case I perceive you might going under speed limit as I approach