Hi All, I've got a 2007 Prius and the tire pressure sensor light came on long ago and won't reset. My tires are properly inflated. Rather than to keep speculating I figured I could use the Mini VCI to see if any codes or information come up. I have a netbook with Windows 7 32 Bit and I installed the Mini VCI version 2.01 driver and techstream 10.10.018. The first time I connected to the vehicle it had the VIN, and model/year correct and asked me if it had a smart key option. Since then every single time I connect it says NHW under model code and 1NZFXE under vehicle spec. It doesn't show the model/year and VIN like it did the first time. Does anyone know what might be wrong? I have the J4531 mini VCI with firmware version 1.4.1 I remember the first time I connected (with correct year, etc) I saw the tmps under the ECU menu but it was white w/Asterisk. I couldn't connect to it. Now when I successfully connect to the vehicle (with NHW under model) the tpms doesn't even show up in the list of ECUs. This is with the car on. Has anyone experienced this? Can the mini vci I have actually connect to the TPMS ecu or do I need something different? Thanks.
Like you I have just recently installed Techstream 10.10.018 on a a Windows 10 laptop. I have a Gen 3 so I see additional ECU's but I always see the TPMS ECU.
Thanks are you able to see the correct model car and year and vin when yours loads? Do you see any information on the tpms settings when you access the tpms Ecu? I wonder if it's an issue with having a gen 2 Prius for me.
It's possible that Techstream is set up for non-US environments where they don't have TPMS. Check "Setup", "Techstream Configuration". It should be "North America" for a US 2007.
Oh thanks so much. I had it set up for Europe because I had read the instruction PDFs that came with the mini VCI and it said to set it to Europe (Not sure if that's because of the version?). I will set it to North America (assuming the 10.10.018) version lets me and will try it again.
The answer to your questions are yes and yes. Once you change your setup to North America you will be able to see this info too.
Thanks, I tried that and it shows up with the correct model, year and the correct VIN. Unfortunately when I try to connect to the TPMS ECU it gives me an error. I was able to connect to the Engine and ECT without any problems. I also waited several minutes and tried again and then a few more times but still could not connect to it. It stays White w/Asterisk. Does anyone know what might be causing that?
No idea why your TPMS ECU is not responding. I select mine with no problem. I can select the Data List and see the individual tire pressures, temperatures and the lower pressure limits that trigger the TPMS light. Maybe RobH can give you an answer since he also has a Gen 2.
TPMS is not on the CAN bus. Perhaps Techstream cables differ in their ability to communicate on the TPMS one. ELM devices can't get to TPMS as well. Genuine Drew (and most clones) have no problem.
Thanks. That is interesting I had read in some other threads that some people had accessed the TPMS ecu with the mini vci and techstream. Could it be a version issue?
I found this: Errors with Tire Pressure Monitor System Vehicle(s): All CAN Bus equipped vehicles with TPMS. Device(s): Techstream and Techstream Lite (Mongoose and/or Mongoose Pro VIMs) Description: When clicking on Datalist or attempting to Clear DTCs, an Error Box may appear describing a negative/no response from the ECU or a loss in communication. Status: Under investigation. Some users report success after repeated attempts (1010-005). this is the link to where I found it: https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/staticcontent/en/techinfo/html/prelogin/tsrss/ts_known_bugs.html
Gen2 Prius TPMS uses ISO KWP 14230 protocol, rather than CAN protocol that is used for most ECUs on the car. It uses different pins on the connector than CAN. So there could be a fault in the car wiring and/or the cable. Or there could be a software error introduced in the Techstream version that you're using. In addition to TPMS, KWP protocol is used for several other functions. One is keyfob setup. Another is for passenger seat classification. It is a scale that determines if the seat is empty, occupied by a child, or occupied by an adult. Next is air conditioner setup. Most of the rest of the ECUs are on the CAN bus. For about $500 you could get a genuine Mongoose adapter/cable, and rent a licensed copy of Techstream for a few days from Toyota. That would buy you a place to complain to. Since nobody else seems to have had your problems, perhaps the simplest next attempt is to purchase another Mini VCI from a different supplier.
Thanks for the response. I couldn't tell if there is any wiring issue with the mini VCI or the car wiring. The only thing I could try is perhaps an older version of techstream but I don't know if it's worth a try. I definitely don't want to spend $500 on a Mongoose adapter. I suppose the easier thing would be to wait until I need new tires or tires rotated and have a shop try and diagnose it.
Well, sorry to hear of your issue. I have ordered a VCI unit and can see there are a number of suppliers and from what I read they all do not behave identically. I hope mine works. I too have or had some TPMS issues and thought I had some bad sensors as my vehicle is a 2006, I suspected the batteries might have died. I also presently have an AutoEnginuity scanner that has the Toyota enhanced package so I can diagnose battery issues. Well, yesterday I hooked it up and scanned all systems and got an error on the instrument cluster can't Rcall offhand the error code, but I cleared it just the same and bingo, my TPMS light went out! Previously I was also getting a communication error to the toms sensors. Thus the reason I thought they were pooped out. I should have my Vic soon so hoping to get my key fob to lock my doors and second fob to start the car. Oh, I got a quote. For my big tire store to replace my toms sensors and register them and it was 40 a wheel. Cough cough. So, it might be less expensive to do some more reading or get a recommendation on another specific vci unit provider that works for what you need.
Thanks so much, I appreciate the response. When you get your VCI unit can you check to see if you can communicate with the TPMS ecu? I'm curious to know. If you can, I'm hoping you can point me to the place you got yours and I will buy another one. How much was your AutoEnginuity scanner? I'm hoping not to spend much at the moment. I will need tires eventually so I'm sure a tire shop could help me diagnose the light at that point but it would be nice to know ahead of time. Thanks.
I too found that I couldn't access the TPMS system from Techstream, and in reading through this thread found the answer. Indeed, my Techstream configuration was set to Europe, and when I switched to North America it worked fine. I could see that ID4 was the offender, and the Data List showed that the ID4 battery voltage was "Less" (which obviously meant less than normal), while voltages for the other 3 sensors, which are still working fine after 14 years, was "Over." To determine which wheels matched which ID, I decreased tire pressure to around 20 psi one tire at a time. That gave me the following info: ID!=RF, ID2=RR, ID3=LF. ID4=LR. I ordered a new Denso TPMS sensor today, and will install that myself when it arrives. That's an easy enough job to do despite not having a tire machine. The trick in doing that is to remove the offending wheel and lay it down underneath the jacking area, with a short 2x4 or 2x6 piece of wood laid flat on top of the tire sidewall close to the tire bead, and near (but not directly beside ) the sensor. A scissor jack is placed on top of the wood block, and made to contact the jacking rail of the car's undercarriage. With all air let out of the tire, and with a knee holding down the tire at a point 180 degrees from the jacking point, the jack is raised until the tire bead breaks, which then allows easy access to removing the old sensor and installing the new one. Once that's done, a bit of WD40 or other light lubricant can be sprayed on the tire bead, which will make it easy to re-seat the bead when air is applied. Well worth the 5 minutes or so it takes to do this yourself and save some bucks and a trip to a repair shop. Then too, a repair shop would frown on you bringing them the sensor to be installed, as they would ordinarily charge you at least double what their cost was if they supplied it. To make up for such loss, even if they agree to use your sensor, they will most likely either attempt to convince you that the other 3 sensors should also be replaced, or will slow walk the job so they can double the labor charge.
Evidently I didn't mention it in my previous post, but I'm using the MINI-VCI J2534 cable and Techstream 8.10.021. The software that came with the cable was meant for installation on a 32-bit Windows system, so to use it on my Windows 7 64-bit laptop computer I had to devise a method of installation, which works fine. If anyone else wants to use this method, let me know. I posted that information a few years ago on the website where I bought the X-Horse MINI-VCI cable kit, but it is probably rather hard to find now. I still do have all the information available, though.