Not sure if you were following.. let me rephrase, did a lot of the people trying to get in the 800 mile club fill up to 13+ gallons as well?
Excess fuel will go in the filler neck and evaporation canister. Extreme hypermiling allow owners to squeeze out impressively high efficiency. But you'd also have to risk burning out the fuel pump by running the tank to dry.
Thanks, John. I wondered how they got 13+ gallons in the tank. I had no idea you could squeeze that much in there.
Yes, by filling up right to the neck, you can get over 13 gallons, but I won't be doing this often, as it can cause serious problems. I would imagine many people can exceed my mileage on that, thus allowing them to achieve 900+ miles on a tank, but running it dry can cause other problems. I did have a can of gasoline in the trunk, but the car wasn't run dry. It's up to you if you want to take these risks, but just understand that if you mess the car up doing this, it will not be a cheap fix. Oh, and we also have E10 gasoline here, so getting ethanol-free gas would send you further per gallon.
Not me. I didn't overfill my gas tank because my +800 mile/tank was based on commuting 16 miles each way per work day and since I had to average something close to 70 mpg so I couldn't burn more than about .20 gallons per 16 mile trip without having some gasoline possibly leak out of the gas tank if I overfilled. Overfilling the gas tank is a trick best left for doing road trips and MPG marathon where you are burning all the gas in the tank that same day. IIRC in order to achieve a +800 mile/tank - I frequently time shifted my commute in the morning to avoid early morning rush hour (and I also occasionally drove when the traffic lights were turned off) - with the road often all to myself I was able to drive with out stopping (driving without brakes) but at a much slower speed (that's why my average speed is about 17 mph) so during the summer I had raised my normal overall 65 mpg trip's fuel efficiency to sometimes an overall 70 to 85 mpg. I also avoided doing any short trips for that tank since short trips often cause my MPG to drop like a rock. Not only do you need warm driving temperature to get +70 mpg out of a non-plug in Prius but the Prius driver must be able to commit more time driving and must physically hard work to achieve it. As much I wanted to I was not able to do a repeat performance last summer - my body said no way. Last summer my top tank never peaked over 68 mpg.
No. I actually got 800 mile/tank on my 2010 Prius twice 9/29/12 804.0 miles/11.66 gallons 8/28/12 800.1 miles/11.25 gallons My ScangaugeII xgauge FLV (fuel tank meter) reads accurately from .7 gallons to to about 11.5 gallons. The best time to try for an +800 mile tank is during the summer when it does not rain that often and when the driving temperature +60 degrees Fahrenheit. Rain(wet road surfaces) and cold weather are the energy sucking vampires.
theoretically, the lowest avg mpg that's needed to reach 800 miles is 67.34MPG without needing to overfill.. that is if we go by 11.88 gal or 45 liters as the standard tank size. Hats off to those who've considered this into account and are able to pull this off. But, a tank is a tank.
Our 2010 Prius holds ~12.1 gallons and I've run it dry at least six times. Each time with a 1 gallon spare can of gas. But when I did this tank, I had only partially filled the tank and did the 1000 miles on 10.9 gallons: This planned driving stunt took two weeks ending July 21, 2013. I ran out on the way to the gas station to fill-up but I had my spare can . . . a non-event. Bob Wilson
How did you get 1000.8 mpg on the prius??? I dont believe it! I have heard of it in Japan! I am still trying to get my first 700 mile tank after getting to a 600 mile tank....Good job if its true!
Well, it is high summer again in our part of the world and during last week I managed to drive a little further than a year ago (800+ Mile Club | Page 7 | PriusChat) on one tank of fuel. My current record stands at 1328 km (825 miles) and I managed a respectable 3.7 l/100 km (63.57 mpg). When I entered the amount of fuel and distance driven into Fuelly the calculated consumption was 3.57 l/100 km (65.89 mpg). For those wondering, I never overfill but I don't have the handicap of a bladder like many of our US friends. I drove a total of 159.8 km (99.3 miles) on reserve. I used the same methods as last year and again did not use any aids like Torque or anything else. What makes it exceptional for me is that I did it with a relative heavy load with all my toolboxes for work. I am still aiming for the 1400 km on one tank with the Prius but I did manage to drive 1000 km on one tank with the RX450h.
Just joined this forum. I am learning a lot from all the posts. I have been driving 2015 Prius for 10 mo now, but the best is 550 miles from a single tank, but at filling it took only 9.6 gal, so, I would have made it close to 700 miles mark if I pushed it. Anyway, I am curious to know if it is really possible to get over 1000 miles from a single tank on Prius? I am asking this because I see those claims quite often on Japanese SNS as stated. Is there any reason to believe Prius running in Japan is different from US version?
No, no, it's not that. No one in Japan uses that unit any more. Their currently used unit is in metric. Many of hyper mileage driver in Japan is reporting over 1600 km of run from a single tank fill up. That's over 1000 miles. I am from Japan, though I have lived here in the US over 30 years. I know what they write.
No problem. Thank you for chipping in though. As I understand it, all of Prius sold in the US are built in Japan, and other than few mechanical differences such as right sided handle, they are the same car. Japanese Prius is sold as advertised with official mileage of 30.4km/L (JC08 mode) . This is equivalent to 71.50mpg. Not many of Japanese driver can get this good of mileage, many of them are indeed getting somewhere close to US official mileage of 50mpg or 21km/L. However there are quite few of those hyper mileage driver who is achieving this "catalog mileage" and very few elite hyper mileage driver who is getting over 80mpg to recored 1000+miles each fill up. I just don't know how.