Hello all, first post. I have 2011 Prius. Not exactly 600 miles (because I was chicken) to the tank, but hope to achieve on this tank. Really love the challenge! 62.1mpg indicated. Apologize for the wrong picture, I got it afterwards.
Over 75,000 miles and FINALLY! Last week, 8 May 2015 I did it! According to my ScanGaugeII I had 0.7 gallons left. The light had been blinking since I left for work in the morning with 1.4 gallons remaining (according to SCII). Tires are Continental ProContact, about 2 years old. Tire pressure at 40/38 psi. As far as driving techniques, nothing really special for a Prius. A light foot on the accelerator, and anticipate braking. You know, the usual things we hypermilers do. I commute 21 miles each way in the hilly Hudson Valley to and from work each day. Last winter was not good to me with fuel economy. I have been hypermiling for a long time now, trying to squeeze every bit out of the gas I put into my car (maybe I am just cheap). I have won my class in the Green Grand Prix at Watkins Glen, twice. Once with 61.2, and another with 62.9mpg. I won the first running of the Prius Challenge at the GGP this past April with 61.4mpg. I can do great on short runs, but between traffic, tailgaters, and short trips, I have not been able to get a 600 mile tank until now. I got the car in 2011 new. Drove from New Paltz, NY to Florida to see the last launch of the Space Shuttle, back in 2011, and was amazed that I only had to fill up twice to get down there.
A Scangauge II X-Gauge Flv can't see anything below 0.7 gallons and can't see anything over 11.4 gallons. If you have exactly 0.7 gallons in the tank - if the Prius is in a uphill grade the Flv will read .9 gallons if you have exactly 11.4 gallons in the tank - if the Prius is in a downhill grade the Flv will read 11.2 gallons
Interesting. What does it say when you've just filled to the first click, assuming the car is level when filled, and also level when you look at "FLV"?
11.4 gallons - is the maximum my Scangauge II FLv xgauge can see - regardless of whether the Prius is level or not. The maximum I've ever filled a Prius gas tank is 11.656 gallons , 804 miles, 68.98 mpg, 9/29/2012 The Prius is suppose to hold a max of 11.9 gallons officially - though. Bob is the expert on this - and if he chimes in - I'll defer you to him... From what I understand - there is some variation between fuel station pumps with regards to the auto stop mechanism that does the first click.
Here is two more picture to show it is possible... after this I could only put in 10.150 gallon so I could get to about 650 but was no chance for 700 so why chance it.....
Finally did it!!!! 2014 Prius, all stock, no gas additives, original factory tires, inflated to factory specs. Drove mostly distances of 15 to 40 miles at a time. Kept at speed limit, and sometimes above. Was only yelled at twice for driving too slow Actual tally was 600.9 miles, 9.965 gallons of gas, 60.3 mpg. Sorry the photo is so dark, but it is legible.
On my 3rd tank I hit 605.2 Put in 11.4 gallons (I always fill up the fill pipe) so 53.08 MPG I always use 100% gas with no ethanol from the same pump at the same station. Mostly highway and some city driving. I tried to stay off the interstate as much as possible.I ran with the binky light on about 25 miles or so. Factory tires are at 44 PSI (max tire PSI) all around and factory wheels have the covers popped off with plastic chrome center caps installed. My wife was riding in the back with my daughter and when she saw the blinky light going she says "Oh my gosh. You need to get gas." When I replied "I'm trying to get in the 600 mile club." I saw her roll her eyes in the rearview mirror.
2014 Prius II. Accomplished 600 miles on almost every tank but this is my first post. Put in 9 gallons of gas. Took this when it just reached 1 bar. 40% city and 60% freeway with heavy traffic. Windows down 90% of the time. Mostly daytime driving in 80 degree weather.
Suck it up and close the windows - better gas mileage. (-; 9 gallons - you had 2 gallons left to easily hit a 700 mile tank. Give it a go next tank. I was driving in 105 degree weather in Phoenix to get my 700 mile tank, AC off windows up. I won't do that again.
Where in the world did you drive around here to get that kind of mileage? I guess if I go the 15 miles to the library and back 65 times without A/C I might make it. I managed 73.8 mpg today with 2 windows open, but am only averaging 58.3 over the 320+ miles on this tank so far.
Most of it was a 26 mile round trip drive from Gilbert to ASU. 6 miles on US 60 going 55 mph (max) in the right lane - changing lanes if possible to get out of the way of anyone coming up on me. The other 7 miles were side streets 45 mph speed limit - tried to hit the speed that avoided hitting a red light. Tried to get home with as little battery as possible. When the low fuel warning came on, I knew I had at least 2 more gallons left, and trusted I wouldn't run out of gas - a little nerve wracking. Also, windows up gets you better gas mileage than windows down, especially with AC and fan off. I'd cool off by rolling down the windows when I hit a red light. It was an experiment to do it once, but I've had my fill. No desire to try for an 800 mile tank. Most miles were with only me in the car.
Here done again !!! In the cold weather ... Nov 18 2015 just Filled up with 10.405 calculated MPG 60.45
I put in 9.5 gallons of gas. Listened to your suggestion to have my window up as much as possible without suffocating myself. Took a few more short trips than normal so I took a penalty. When I took this picture, low gas light was flashing and system indicated I have 20 miles to go.