Despite being very leery of MS, I decided to take them up on the free Windows 10 offer (Have Windows 7 Home). Still have not "gotten it," but don't really care, either. But, one day, I know I will boot-up and W10 will start to download. I don't have any great plans to install it quickly or anything, and I will make sure everything has been recently backed up before I do, but.... Any of you have it yet? Any cautions, is it working for you?
I reserved a copy and wished I hadn't. Once you do, you no longer get automatic notifications for Windows 7 updates because you have essentially told Microsoft you want Windows 10. So, until I do upgrade to Windows 10 sometime next year - if ever, i need to check for Windows 7 updates manually instead of being automatically notified that they are available. Not the worst thing in the world but it's still annoying. I also uninstalled the update that requested the Windows 10 upgrade so I'm not reminded daily that the upgrade is ready to install. I'll install it when I'm good and ready dammit! Stupid Microsoft. I shouldn't have swallowed that Kool-Aid many years ago and just went with Apple.
Updated from Win 7 Home a month or so ago. No real issues, except that some of the preferences have been moved around. Just had to spend some time poking around to find and set some things to my liking. A number of things that I don't use can be hidden away. All in all, no big whoop... Keep in mind that MS will stop providing updates to Win 7 at some point so, as long as your computer meets the specs, an upgrade to Win 10 is in your future. P.S. - I went over to the dark side earlier this year. I'm writing this on a Macbook Pro...
I installed win 10 on a laptop as I will need to support my users. So far, better than 8 not better than 7
I have it on my laptop but will stick with W7 on my desktop. The best thing about W10 is it is very close to behaving like W7. I see no compelling reason to make the switch.
Is it so? it's a bummer. i was hoping upgrading from W7 to W10 would make my wife's life easier. she loves the XP interface and hates the W7 on her laptop. i'm way more PC savvy than her, but still believe XP was the best windows ever. believe it or not i work for 2 different major healthcare networks in my city and both still use XP on their PCs/terminals. Maybe I should look at getting an XP skin for wife's W7?
I reserved a copy, haven't updated yet. I DO continue to get Win7 updates, just checked the history. Also, the reminder to update is not daily, maybe once a week? What's the time limit for doing the update: one year? I'll wait-and-see a bit longer. Someone said wait for the first "service pack" to come out.
There is something weird with reserving W10 indeed. i did it previously on a desktop and the PC got hosed (some things are not working right or at all) and only W10 upgrade shows up in the window updates. i did virus scans and HD scans and found no problems. i'm planning to restore to a previous good image this weekend and see what happens. on the other hand i didn't reserve W10 on a W7 laptop and nothing unusual happened (although i had one BSOD recently).
I'm not even reserving a copy of 10 for my Windows 7 laptop. We recently purchased a Windows 8 all-in-one. The hope was that it would take over as our family's primary computer. Didn't happen. We upgraded to 10 right out of the box since my friends were pretty disappointed with 8. Found out the hard way that my favorite Microsoft program, Flight Simulator, with all of my add-on scenery and planes won't run on 10. You'd think Microsoft would have made 10 reverse compatible with their own software since they no longer offer a flight simulator and a lot of people still play it. I guess I'll have to play it on the laptop until it dies if no fix to run it on Windows 10 is developed. As for the rest of my stuff, many old programs won't run on 10 but free alternative apps for most of them are available. Since the all-in-one is now relegated to the bedroom we're mostly using that computer at night to watch Netflix or play my music collection on JRivers Media Jukebox. With 16,000 tracks in the collection I'm happy at least that program works with 10. I must say that after Windows XP and Windows 7 I'm not impressed with Windows 10.
Making sure we change our update settings so they don;t force more crap. Inside of 24 months, MS is gone from our lives completely. I've done it own my own work since 2000, and have never looked back. It's incredibly easy to just say no to Windows today.
just for gigs, i decided to "upgrade" a laptop from W7 to W10. I made a fresh HD image in case i want to go back to W7. Guess what? W10 won't install as it's not compatible with the ATI graphics card. this is a laptop, so it's not like it's easy to change. no W10 for me. now, i need to figure out how to undo the W10 "reservation" on the desktop.
Was it Windows 95, people without computers were lining up to buy it? How short a time we get to this...
Still have win 3.1 install disks, their day will come. Actually still using Money 1.0 too, lol. File goes back to '94.
3.0 was the snitz, 3.1 takes to much memory Windows 10 should "demand" users, use the command line for ten minutes before opening, or not. W10 melds with the iPhone, same system, who's counting$
I just went through the Windows 10 disaster and it was a giant hassle. My wife uses it at work and she told me to go ahead and get the free upgrade and install it on our computer here at home. I told her fine, but said I wanted to wait until Nov., because somewhere I think I heard that there were some bugs that were supposed to be fixed by Nov. Well, on Thursday, my pc opens with the big greeting that my reserved copy of Windows 10 was ready. Cool, so I go through the rigamorole and started the process, around 8:30 a.m. Come home at lunch and find the install seems to be stalled at 23 percent. So, I mess around with it, get started again, and go back to work. Wife calls around 4 p.m., is home and wants to use the computer, but the install is stalled -- yes at 23 percent. This is a lather-rinse-repeat sort of thing that keeps repeating through the evening. I google and find many, many people are having the same problem and have had it since the beginning of the roll-out last summer. Finally, got it installed about 9 p.m. Only 12.5 hours.... I spent yesterday disabling and removing various spyware settings etc as recommended by various web gurus, including rockpapershotgun. All in all, it seems O.K, But other than Cortina (or whatever that thing is called), I don't see any real difference between W7 and W10. I also disabled Cortina -- or whatever it is....