Does anyone have the cable that the cd player plugs into? Someone has done some creative wiring to incorporate satellite radio and it seems they have changed the harness. There is supposed to be a harness that the CD player plugs into. I believe this harness is inserted between the player and the head unit and there is a connector that plugs into another part of the wiring harness (the amplifier? or tuner?). Someone removed this and added some sort of pigtail onto the CD player. The player plugs into the head unit and the pigtail that was added is plugged into another connector that goes to the amplifier (I'm guessing). Edit 1:Let me clarify... When a cd player is added, a connector is unplugged from the back of the head unit. A new harness is plugged in to the head unit and the original one that was unplugged from the head unit, is plugged into this new harness. This new harness provides a third connector for the CD player. Think of it as an extension cord with another connector added in the middle for the CD player. Does anyone have one of these CD player harnesses? Someone cut up the original one on my car and I need to replace it. Edit 2: Since no one bothered to even suggest anything, I spent the last hour doing some research and found a supplier for this cable...Toyota part number 08695-00260, which is no longer available from Toyota... $8 for the cable and $4.50 shipping. So thank you, but I found it myself.
Hi VnA, I'm glad you found what you were looking for. I've found this forum can be really helpful if you're not looking super-urgently for an answer to something ... you know, the people who frequent this forum are in various time zones and can have different work schedules, family activities and all that. If a question isn't answered in 3 hours it doesn't necessarily mean you're being shunned. For a question like yours there are probably only a few of the regulars who would have the information for an answer, and probably within a few days one of them would see your post and also have time to look it up for you, so when you're ok with that sort of time scale, you can get a lot of help. It's those times when you really want the answer right away that (as you found out), your best bet can be to dive into the research yourself. Cheers, -Chap
I would add to ChapmanF's comment the observation that we are all fabulously wealthy and well paid for our time and advice offered here. <GRINS> Bob Wilson
This sort of attitude perplexes me. How does anyone have any expectation that members of this site are somehow obligated to help at all, let alone in a timely fashion or on someone else's time table? Everyone is here to contribute as they are able and/or to get FREE help. Nobody owes anybody anything. I would expect a higher level of maturity from someone touting the level of experience you claim. You have now transitioned to a contributor. Thank you for doing your own research and then posting a follow-up to potentially help others. No thank you for the snot-faced-kid tone. Steve