Why People Buy the Toyota Prius C - Torque News "I recently had a chance to spend some time behind the wheel of the 2015 Toyota Prius C and while I own a fleet of V8-powered pickups and muscle cars, I totally get the appeal of this spunky little hybrid for those folks who spend long days battling city traffic – and it isn’t terrible to drive on uncongested open roads, either."
Took a test drive in a prius c w 4 people! It was Soo slow! took over 20+ seconds to reach 60 mph on a uphill on ramp! After 70 mph forget about trying to pass ! Its a death trap on the freeway! OK for city !
The C is not everyone's cup of tea, but I stepped down from a liftback to a C with no regrets. It has been fun to drive and has suprised me how well it does on the highway as well. Nice write up.
It's good for what it is...a commuter car. I have a Z28 w/350 hp and a 300hp F250SuperDuty 4wd V10. I go fast in the Camaro and haul things in the truck. The C is my daily driver and I've got over 31k miles on it. I get about 20mpg in the Camaro and 11mpg in the truck. I'm halfway through my current tank on the C and am averaging 52mpg on it. My best tank was 61mpg. I've taken 8hr day trips in the C with no ill effects. It's a good car. The problem is that people have unrealistic expectations for it.
I have taken my c on the highway and have never had a problem. This is a great little car and I feel it does well on highway or in city. My daily 22 mile commute includes highway and city and it does great.
I love my C but on the higher speed highways and quick on ramps, its a bit slow, even with 2 people. The city driving is great and I love it for that.