A few days ago the red SRS light went on in my Prius. Didn't notice anything else and nothing to speak of as far as fender benders, anything interior etc. Drove for about two days with it on solid and finally got a moment to take it to the dealership. I pulled it in and dropped it off and they called a few hours later to tell me the light wasn't on when they got in. They checked the codes and found a B181 code had been thrown (is that the way to say it) and that they thought maybe the spiral cable was problematic but didn't want to change anything without knowing. Picked it up, no charges and they assured me that the air bag system/restarint system all checked out and was working fine. No light on now. Kind of flummoxed. Any thoughts?
There should a forth number to the code given that tells which air bag circuit has the fault and if it is an open or short circuit. For instance (B1810) = short circuit in drivers side squib, (B1811) = open circuit in drivers side squib. Squib being the term used for each of the airbag deployment circuits. The most common fault is a loose connector under one of the front seats. With the ignition off make sure all the connectors under the seats are firmly home. They can easily get disturbed while cleaning under the seats or by objects pushed under the seats from the rear. Sometimes just moving the seat position is enough to cause or remove the fault. There are only 8 (B181-) codes and all relate to open or short circuit squib circuits. John
Great info thanks. I'm trying to get more info but not hearing. Good to know though that it could be from something as simple as the seat. I'm 6'4" so with my wife driving the seat gets moved constantly. Will pop back in if I hear more. Thanks
If you have a Windows lap top I would really recommend purchasing a Mini VCI (off Ebay or Amazon about 25$). This will give you the ability to read all of the Prius codes yourself "in fact any Toyota ,Lexus, or Scion vehicle" and clear them. This gives dealer level of diagnostics. John
Wow, I had no idea. THought those were pretty pricey! I'm a mac guy but I could easily borrow a laptop here and there. Looked on amazon and saw more than a few. Are they all relatively the same thing? Any you'd suggest over another? Assuming it's pretty self explanatory? Thanks for the tip.
You can run the VCI on a Mac using "Boot Camp". As long as it say's Mini VCI with Techstream that is what your looking for. Techstream "the software can be downloaded hear at PC or from the net" but the VCI normally comes with it on a CD. An old windows laptop with 32 bit XP is the quickest to setup but it can run on later 64 bit Windows 7,8, or 10. John.
I have a MacBook Pro and use Mini VCI with BootCamp running Windows 7, 32 bit OS. It is not easy to get Mini VCI to run using a 64 bit OS.