Hi All, I've been posting a lot of questions here lately, and I promise this should be the last of them! I also understand that this topic has been talked about multiple times here (I even asked a very identical question few months ago), but I wanted to revisit this question: I was originally going to buy a pair of Bosch Icons for the front windshield, but I was wondering for all the folks out there, are the OEM blades just as good? The current wipers I have are Bosch (not Icon's), but they do a good job, but they are showing their wear and tear. Financially, does it make sense to buy the entire OEM wiper assembly, and than buy the blade? The dealer quoted me $45 for front wipers, and $11 for each blade. Would it be best to just go out and buy the Icons? Also, what kind of aerodynamic difference do people experience with the difference in wipers? I'd assume OEM would be the best since it is designed for the car. Thanks!
Rain-X (both blades and treatment) - see threads passim for why you just can't go wrong with this combination!
I use the Toyota wiper blades and refills. You could save ~50% from the prices you cited, if you buy from one of the Toyota dealer websites that sell parts over the web, for example: Toyota Parts - Genuine Accessories | AutoNation Toyota Gulf Freeway Parts Buy many parts at one time (for example, oil/air filters, wiper refills, PCV valve, iridium spark plugs, etc.) to leverage the shipping charge.
You're really over analyzing this. I live in the Pacific Northwest, and I see by your profile so do you, so I know you get a lot of rain. Wiper blade condition IS important. But basically? You're talking about a rubber strip that clears your window. That's it. Assuming nothing is bent or broken, put a pair of OEM wiper inserts in? You're good to go for another year-maybe longer. If you're inclined to replace with an entire Blade assembly, usually attached to a fancy advertising campaign promising windows so rain free you'll think it's July in December? Then that's an acceptable purchase as well. My standard for wipers? Is good working condition. I think the Toyota OEM have been fine to me. I think aftermarket wipers can also be fine. Personally, what I obsess over, is keeping my windshield clean, including occasional Rain-X treatments and keeping the windshield wiper fluid tank filled with a quality fluid. I personally use Rain-X windshield wiper fluid in conjunction with Rain-X treatments, and that really helps the wipers work much more efficiently. But as far as the blade actually swiping the water off the windshield? I think you're probably OK as long as you aren't buying the absolutely cheapest thing you can find. OEM OR a good quality aftermarket.
http://www.napaonline.com has a promotion on RainX blades through September 30. Right now I'm running with an Advance Auto Parts wiper & a NAPA wiper on the windshield & a NAPA wiper on the hatch. IMO, $11 for a blade is too high and my loyalty is to whatever is on sale when I need a new one. Maybe you can find them cheaper on line, maybe not. As the Electric Me said, it's only a strip of rubber. Toyota doesn't make wiper blades but I don't know who they buy them from.
If you decide on Rain-X, choose the Latitudes, in my experience they are even better than the Weatherbeaters (IMNSHO) (I've used both)!
Yes I am the second owner of the car, the previous owner had Bosch Icons on the car. So if I were to buy both RainX Latitudes from NAPA, it would total to $22 + Tax, versus spending $44.34 on the Toyota OEM Blade Assembly, versus $35 for buying both Bosch Icons. The RainX Latitudes seem really popular here, I assume I should go with those? Just looking for some last second brand advise, as I am indeed overthinking this
The Latitudes are pretty good in snow/ice since there's no metal-frame where the crud usually sticks and builds up
Haha alright, I will give them a look tomorrow, looks like there is a NAPA store not too far from where I live!
I am ending up going with the RainX (because of the price). I usually apply wax on my windshield, but from looking around apparently the RainX treatment does wonders with the wipers, I'll also give that a shot, since it is only $2 bucks at my local AutoZone right now.