Apple Speeds Up Electric-Car Work - WSJ Don't they know that EVs have no future?! BTW, the trick to reading WSJ subscription articles is to paste the headline, in this case Apple Speeds Up Electric-Car Work, into a Google search and then click on the search hit from Google news. Also: Apple Wants to Start Producing Cars as Soon as 2020 - Bloomberg Business
Fascinating! I really didn't believe they would go that route. I'm very happy to see it. I wonder if Apple's EV will be available nationwide before Toyota makes one available nationwide?
Apple does not have a project to make an electric car. They have a project to make a iPhone driven by Siri.
Not in NJ. By law only Tesla can retail electric cars. Apple will have to create a dealer franchise or get the law changed.
Not yet. If Tesla got this far going up against these anachronistic laws and lobbies, imagine what Apple will be able to do. (Sorry Toyota dealers, love you too)