Where will you get 14 vollt bulbs, wipers, fans, radios? What would charge a 14 volt battery if you found one? What are you hoping to solve with 14 volts?
I wonder if it's really 14V or just a regular 12V battery with more attractive labeling....like the Spinal Tap amp that goes to 11.
XP1000CK1 - XS Power they seem to be sold with a A/C charger because nothing in the car can charge them.
^^This is why it's a bad idea. I assume they've added a 7th cell. If that's the case, the car can't keep it fully charged. Lead acid batteries are happiest fully charged. You'll be running around with it at ~85% charge shortening its life. It will actually be flat at ~12V. Bad idea all around. Throw the absurd cost on top of it, and it drops into the toilet, IMHO.
I never said it was a good idea or practical. I simply pointed out there is such a animal. Vendor also claims to have a 16 volt battery. Supposedly these high power batteries are for vehicles that are sporting large amps for sound systems and so forth. I do agree that most on board charging systems will not charge the battery fully which will cause a short life span in the Prius.
The charging converter on my gen 1 only puts out 13.6-13.7 volts. Most alternator driven charging systems max out at about 14.5. A 12v battery is 13.2v at a full charge, 6 cells @ 2.2v each. I imagine your 14 battery is fully charged at 15.4 volts.