Yes, does your ICE automatically come on when you run out of EV miles? Mine doesn't if I stay within the parameters of battery power as a hybrid.
I thought the parameters of battery powered only for the hatchback or EV range depleted PiP was under 25MPH (or some low speed) and just over 1 mile (without AC). Then the ICE has to turn on to move the Prius and charge up the traction battery to keep it in the happy middle %60 of capacity.
That's EV mode only, which utilizes more power. Regular electric-only in HV mode doesn't. It draws less and had an upper threshold of 46 MPH.
How does electric only in HV mode draw less than EV mode to move the same vehicle? How fast and far can you get in electric only HV mode at 40 - 46 MPH on level surface on that smaller hatchback traction battery or the PiP HV mode traction battery reservoir? I love to learn about the Prius. Thanks.
It takes less power to sustain a cruise than it does to climb a hill, even though the cruise can be much faster. There a counter-intuitive nature to how some things actually work.
when i run out of ev power, i can go a mile or so on flat ground, before the ice kicks in to recharge.
So less power to sustain a cruise, but ICE power to get up to cruising speeds? I have come to understand how working against gravity on a hill takes more energy than working against air resistance and friction while sustaining a cruise with the help of Prius gauges. I'm just trying to understand the 15 miles of battery only HV mode that el Crucero reports. I have to believe that there is a lot of ICE support in those 15 miles of battery only HV mode driving after EV miles are depleted.
Sorry, that is not clear at all. Are you saying you can drive extra 15-17 miles on battery only in HV mode? On flat surface, mine (and others') can drive only 1 extra mile this way, maybe a bit more being extra careful, before the ICE is joining to charge battery. Can you please clarify?
PLUG-IN HYBRID means a significant MPG boost (and emission reduction) from plugging in. It will take advantage of the engine, rather than sacrificing electric for the sake of keeping it off. The goal is balance.
Another mystery! My ICE is coming on automatically in those circumstances for the warm-up cycle. I believe yours is doing the same.
I believe you are correct, or that the portion of the trip that EV mode was utilized was downhill. Yesterday my electric range showed 16.5 miles after completing the charge cycle. That's because I switch to EV mode anytime the power requirements to maintain speed are low (downhill, slow speeds, etc). It's most efficient to have the gas engine do the hard work, and the electric motor do the easy work. Gas engines are much less efficient at producing low amounts of power.
No. When PiP EV miles are depleted it behaves exactly the same as would a regular Prius with 6 bars on the battery icon and cold ICE.
Yes, with a PIP and then not under all conditions as you have seen from the replies. It is hypermiling taken to the extreme; most people don't have the patience or right conditions.