My 2011 Prius has the abs light and traction control light on. The car has sat 4 days I go and start it and the lights are on. Not blinking steady. I just filled the car Friday could it be the gas cap not tight? Help please, husband out of town and dealer two hours away.
have you hit any curbs? could be a bad bearing or speed sensor. best to check your 12 volt health first. if that's good, you'll need to have the trouble codes read.
i wonder if over torquing the lugs could affect anything? might be worth pulling them off and checking free wheeling. how many miles on the tyres?
I'm not taking the tires off, I'm 53 lol. It's going to the shop Tuesday, I think it has to do with the rotation.
53?!? i'm 60, and i took the tyres off last week! of course, i've been on advil and bed rest since then.
Someone probably messed up a wheel speed sensor, or sensor wire while rotating the tires. Take it back to the shop that rotated your tires. Make them inspect around the hubs for damaged or disconnected wires/harnesses.