I actually saw my very first ford focus electric (if that is the model). I can check it out often though since a neighbor apparently purchased it I see volts by my house regularly as well, but have not seen a single leaf or PiP around. Probably random chance, although the neighbor there had some bumper sticker about buying american on the ford so maybe they eschewed a leaf for that reason (their previous vehicle was a gen II prius).
I may not be alone at work anymore. To my surprise, there was a brand new iMiEV using the other charging-station today. Having someone else there could finally set into motion the plans to expand. Management there has been saying several more charging-stations will be installed soon. That kept getting postponed though, which is totally understandable considering the expense and it being the dead of winter. Seeing the only 2 spots filled everyday would change that. They'd like to avoid sharing too, since there's an entire section set aside for plug-in parking. More usage is a win-win situation... especially considering the ramp features an 82 kWh solar-array. I'm looking forward to the change. Owning a plug-in for almost an entire year without anyone else mingle with has been a test of patience.
Drove right behind a silver one for a mile or two today on my way home. Sorry, but I wasn't impressed with the styling. It reminds me of an Impala. For what it's worth, a co-worker recently bought a Tesla Model S. It doesn't remind me of an Impala.
I do not in anyway think the volt looks pretty, nor would I say a model S looks bad, but I don't see the Impala in it really. I still haven't seen a leaf or PiP, but I know where I can find some if I want since there is free charging with preferred parking in town. I am sure if I drove by I would see some other stuff, but going out of the way hardly counts
GM worked really hard to make it resemble a traditional car. That's why, even though it is a hatchback, there isn't a wiper in back. They also wanted to avoid it in any way looking similar to Prius. Realistically, making Volt more aerodynamic would make it distinctive enough to compete with Camaro... something they really don't want to do. Think about it. What is Volt like? It already shares more with Camaro than it does with Cruze, Malibu, or Impala.
WOW, you don't see that much advertising on a city bus. Talk about "over-busying" advertising! But, maybe its' a perfect fit for the Volt. DBCassidy
Yea, the only part that didn't have the ad was the hood. Hey DB, while your here when are you going to fix your signature?
Exciting I saw a dirty Volt with a lead foot in my neighborhood yesterday! Virginia tags but, California green HOV stickers all over the place. Showing definite sign of water shortage, or maybe just too busy to wash the car (like me). Poor fellow probably won't be able to play HOV anymore as Virginia has grandfathered most of the good HOV privileges to prior year buyers.
Nope, it was from this place. Flexibility and Efficiency That Saves You Time and Money IT Services In New Jersey and New York City