i have a problem that I tried to figure out but I'm stump. I'm getting oil and fuel into the intake manifold every couple hundred miles. Oil level is in the middle of low and full mark. It's not like it's a huge amount of oil and fuel in the intake but it's enough to make the car missfire, bog out. Only codes I'm getting are missfire codes for all cylinder and reduce engine power code (forgot what code it actually is) but that's when the car completely shuts down and won't start with red triangle light. If I clean the intake out and unplug the battery for a few min I'm able to start the car again, but it will run really rough and white smoke will start to come out the exhaust (gas smell). I'm wondering if a bad maf would cause this. I've already cleaned it but still doing same thing. Don't really know what the specs or reading the bad is suppose to be so I'm kinda stuck to determined if I need a maf or not. Cars got about 242K miles.
1. How do you know that the presence of an oil/fuel residue in the intake manifold is related to engine misfire? 2. When was the last time that the iridium spark plugs were replaced, and were they replaced with the correct NGK or Denso plugs? 3. How about the fuel injectors?
Not sure if missfire is related but when I does miss and car cuts off I look into the manifold and there seems to be oil/fuel (which ever one since it smells like fuel but it's brown like oil) clean it back and disconnect the battery for a few min and it's running again but rough and blowing a lot of white smoke smelling like oil and gas. Spark plug was replaced with correct ngk ones about a week ago. I haven't touched the fuel injectors yet. Is there a way to test the fuel injectors? just replaced pcv valve as well too. Just ran car for codes and I'm getting pending codes for P0172 - bank 1 system too rich P0300 - random miss fire P0301 - cylinder 1 missfire P0302 - cylinder 2 missfire P0303 - cylinder 3 missfire P0304 - cylinder 4 missfire P2196 - oxygen sensor signal biased/stuck rich bank 1 sensor 1. Engine is knocking at idle until you give it some gas hen it goes away
Spitting through the intake sounds more like advanced ignition timing, a flat spot on an intake cam, or a hung intake valve.
Replace the engine? Then the traction battery, then the transaxle... see where this is going? Ok, engine and transaxle replaced at the same time.
the car is 10 years old with almost 250,000 miles its only worth 2 grand in good running condtion, cheap gas has killed the value, sell it as is for $1000
I've been thinking about just selling it as is, but I've found both engine and transmission for around $600 with 90K on it that's why I'm kinda iffy about selling it too.
1. What happens if you leave the intake manifold alone, disconnect the 12V battery, then reconnect it and try to start the car? 2. Given the white smoke, it sounds like you have a blown cylinder head gasket. To what extent has the engine coolant level been dropping? Check the fluid level in the radiator by removing the cap to see inside. The fluid should be at the very top of the radiator neck. 3. Measure cylinder compression using Mini VCI and a engine compression gauge that screws into the spark plug holes. 4. Clean the MAF sensor. 5. Maybe a fuel injector is leaking which would cause P0172. However if all four cylinders are misfiring, I don't know that all four injectors would be the root cause. So work on #3 first.
might be that P2196 stuck o2 sensor is the problem. replace the o2 sensor. the intake is gonna have some fuel in it cause its Atkinson cycle. is the smoke white? or bluish gray?
Coolant level is full and inverter pump is working fine as well. The smoke is white/gray. If I do end up buying the motor and trans I'm gonna tackle it myself. I will check compression and see where that goes.
gray smoke would be oil burning. pull the spark plugs and see if they're oil fouled. if they're not oil fouled, once again, replace the stuck o2 sensor. if it's telling the ecu that its running rich all the time, the ecu is gonna lean the mixture out until it misfires. replace the front o2 sensor before you buy a whole new engine.
I agree that the P2196 code also needs to be investigated. The factory repair manual available at techinfo.toyota.com provides troubleshooting advice regarding resistance checks on the air/fuel ratio sensor and checking the EFI M relay (part of the integration relay assembly) which provides power to the sensor heater. It sounds like the engine has at least two separate issues: 1. Whatever is causing the smoke in the exhaust 2. Whatever is the cause of the P2196 code