OMG that's the most unsafe thing I've seen on the show! Better off posting on Prius chat in that condition.
I get in a couple of minutes on the elliptical machine next to my desk... and I sit down because I can see here's a chair
I gave up 'three beer workouts' when '29' started getting smaller and smaller in the rear-view mirror......
I didn't use to exercise at all until just a little over a year ago... My girlfriend says the 30 pounds I've lost this last year all came off of my nice person... I was hoping to get some of this gut gone, but I am too lazy I guess to do it right.
The last time I played golf...spring of 95... I shot 147 on the front 9... my Da took my clubs and made me walk instead of ride, and I couldn't have a beer while the cart was rolling... which of course it was always rolling by the time I got up to it again... I haven't played a round since then.
it's mch more fun if they let you ride shotgun with the cooler, no need to count your strokes. the best exercise is the one you'll do.
This book was recommended by someone here on PC a couple of years ago. It was life changing for me so I'm "paying it forward" now: Books - Younger Next Year It's an easy read and I occasionally re-read it for more inspiration and reinforcement.
Originally... I was the driver... after the 9th hole... nope... I didn't swing another stroke on a course after that day. I am better at bowling... my high score was 51 the last time I bowled with a friend a month back, and she made 198...
I used to work for Uncle, but now I work for Big Phone. Just to be crystal clear for the morons in our IT department, personal weapons are prohibited by our employees.....every time....everywhere. Unlike my former Employer however, I can no longer be procecuted for defending myself.....they can only fire me.