I've read a few posts about this, but not getting any real answers. Basically, my brake lights are out, only on the driver's side. All other lights are fine. I am fine with replacing the whole assembly, but no parts supply place can tell me if the new unit comes with the LEDs (even though all suggest that they're encased in a sealed unit). And the dealership insists that there are no LEDs in the tail light? Huh? So if anyone can share some of their wisdom on how I can fix this, it would be greatly appreciated. A manufacturer's part number would be fantastic. Thanks guys! George
Yes, they are built in. Mine said the same thing about my '04. There *are* LEDs in there, they are up above the three incan. bulbs. The LEDs are integrated into the brake light assembly. You take the entire unit off the car and install a new one.
My passenger side brake light is out. Can someone walk me through replacing it? I've bought the assembly and there are numerous posts that refer to instructions on how to install it, I just can't seem to find them. Some of the links to instruction pages don't work any more.
Many videos on YouTube. Here's one of them: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D-0J-d_JwzHA&ved=0CB8QtwIwAWoVChMIpOOW14b8xgIVTaSICh0Kkguq&usg=AFQjCNHkQINF_xMK-ZHUA6VBrnLAujP-VQ
worst case scenario: if you can't figure it out and don't mind driving to sterling I can help you do it. got lots of tools and a garage.