Hey everyone, I tried searching the forum to see if anyone has had this problem before, but couldn't find anything so, I hope it's ok to make a new thread. This morning I went to my car and it was scorching hot so, I decided to start the car, turn on the AC, rolled down the window, manually lock the car (because it won't let me lock it from outside with key fob when the car is on) and roll the window back up as I was leaving. I went home and came back after 15 minutes and the car won't unlock. I tried both key fobs and no luck. The ignition is on and the car is just sitting there. Any help on how to get the car unlocked?
Take the little hidden key out of the fob and use it to open the drivers side door.... Do it old school way, put the key into the keyhole and turn it to unlock your door -push the button on the opposite end and pull from the other side and the manual key will pop out...
No offense, but idling like this is bad news. NYC's Tough Idling Law Would Totally Improve Air Quality If Cops Enforced It: Gothamist
Yeah, I did a lot of research and looked online for lots of info before I bought the Prius. There's a really good video about changing the batteries in the key fob. My key fob was fine. Battery was fine but I changed it anyway when I bought the car. That's when I realized that there was a actual key that can be used as a backup in case the fob won't work. So you can actually use the keyhole in the driver's side door. That and the fact that you can start the car when needed by placing the fob on the power button. LOTS of cool, interesting things about the Prius. But you need to do your homework. I agree with Mendel; really bad news to have it idle for God only knows how long like that. Do your research about the car. Just saying.
It won't idle long. It'll idle to warm up the catalytic converter and the engine coolant. Then it will idle to charge up the traction battery from two bars to barely three. If the car is sitting in 100F heat, it is over 2/3 there so the warm up cycle will be pretty short.
Help!!!!! I was watching my sons soccer game..left key fobs(yes 2) in the unlocked car. Pouring down rain, now dark in not so great area, my car locked on its own, and I am pretty certain I have a dead 12V battery. NO WAY IN!!! Both fobs are in my purse in my car, along with my computer, kids overnight bags, hidden rent money from renters.... HELP!!!!!! How do I get in???
Is parking brake on? Just a thought, in case you have to get it towed: if parking brake is on you'd want get the whole car on a flatbed car transporter.
1. Try the Po-Po. They're pretty good at getting into locked vehicles. 2. Try one of the "Pop-a-Lock" services. They do OK too. 3. You have have to resort to a Skid Truck. If so, ask the driver about local locksmith rather than resorting to the dealer. Let us know how it shakes out. It's a little late for this, but in the future you ought to take the keylet out of one of your key fobs and tie wrap it under your car someplace non-obvious. Take the battery out of the spare key fob and hide it inside the car. Now you're ready for the next rainy soccer match. Good Luck!