Went to turn on the AC on our 2011 Prius and its blowing out nothing but hot air . The AC lights light up as if it's on and operates as if it's on but it feels like the heater . A fellow Prius owner said there's a fuse I should check before I take the car to the dealer , anyone got any info on what fuse this I is and where it's located ? We've got just a hair over 30k on the car. Thanks in advance
is the temp set correctly? look in the owners manual or the fuse box cover they tell you what each fuse is for
Did this happen suddenly? Or has it been steadily getting less cool over time? My thoghts are if it suddenly got hot, you may have a hole in your condenser. That is the radiator like. Part in front of your engine radiator. Anything can poke through the thin walls of the condenser. Otherwise, a slow leak over time and may simply need more refrigerant. Be careful. Prius uses very special refrigerant oil, and can cause premature compressor failure if mixed with more common refrigerant oil. LG-D851 ?
looks like a trip to the dealer. don't take it to an a/c shoppe that doesn't have the prius shoppe manual or understand high voltage a/c.
Could be a condenser leak, a piece of gravel or stick or whatever can cause a sudden leak. The system protects itself by not running If it did run, the compressor would try to pump out the oil. The humidity in the air gets in there and creates acid. The acid then corrodes its way through aluminum. LG-D851 ?
It could also be any of the other causes having nothing to do with a leak ... wiring problem, compressor, pressure switch ... if I'm following this thread right, the car hasn't even been asked what it thinks is wrong yet.... -Chap
it went to the dealer yesterday, they probably have it blindfolded under a hot light, trying to extract the pertinent information.
LOL, you guys are killing me. The car will talk but only under duress. Man, it is a hot day today. My home A/C died, condenser fan was toast ( literally overheated and no longer turns ). Now I'm about $600 lighter than this A.M. but I'm cool . LG-D851 ?
Would that code be a "B" code? For body? I would have to look up that code to see what might be going on. LG-D851 ?