picked up my car earlier this month, the dealership had me fill out the app for the carpool stickers. just wondering how long it to you to get it? hopefully its not like the rebate check which is 90 days. your input appreciated. thanks!!
last I heard CA was out of these stickers. Check the CA DMV website to look. At least your dealership was pro-active and knew about these. I had to educate the seller. Also CA also gave out a rebate. Check the net I dont remember the organizations name. But at the time I got a 2500.00 rebate as well as a tax deduction. Happy driving!
Can you tell us how much you paid for your 2015 plug in? The amount you agreed with the dealer and the out the door cost? Thanks in advance.
I paid 0 drive off. 300 a month with la tax included for a blizzard pearl. Last I heard as of July 1st, rebate check is bumped up to 3k. I know the website still says 1500. I would need to check on selling price but residuals stays the same with every pip.