Ok the wife is taken the kids to Splish Splash today and the question arose what to do with the keys cause to rent a locker is ridiculous. You can lock the key in the car and use the use the mechanical key to lock and unlock but cause it in the car it leaves the car active if someone gets in the car they can drive it away. So what do you guys do.
Pay for the stupid locker....I don't want to haul everything with me all day. Conversely, I think one of the heavier grade "zip-lock" bags are waterproof enough for your needs. Your FOB should remain dry even when submerged so long as the bag is properly sealed.
i always get the locker for my wallet and my wife's stuff. this comes up from time to time and there's just no good answer. arp it in tinfoil and put inside gas door? take the battery out? put it inside a laptop?
I vacuum packed it with my foodsaver? Pictures to follow. You would think that Toyota would have made it so when you take the mechanical key out it would deactivate the RF one. Just saying.
I have done the vacuum packing of the fob and it does not affect the vehicle properties. but it is annoying carrying the damn bag with the fob inside of my swimming trunks
I had swimming trunks that came with a transparent waterproof bag. It was just enough for car keys or a small watch and you could attach the bag to your trunks and put it in the pockets so you don't lose it.
They make tiny dry bags. Two rows of ziplock style closing, then you fold them over a couple times and usually another flap then comes over the "roll" and snaps into place. Or you could just spend the $5 on a locker and not risk water damage to your $400 key fob. When we go to the water park we just throw some towels under a tree spread out our stuff and leave it. Wallets there, phones there, shoes, lunch in a bag, everything. I can't imagine living in a world where you think everyone is evil and out to get you so you have to lock everything up all the time.
That's much the same problem as going on a bike ride or hike from the car when rain is possible. Another option is to wrap the key and hide it in some secret safe place away from the car.
OP lives in NY. You and I don't. Yeah, small town NY has less crime than Denver, but for the whole state, I stand by my comment.
I'm in Manhattan usually once a month for a couple days at a time. I wouldn't say it is a scary place and even if my building didn't have a doorman I am would leave it open as I do now. I know people here that lock every door in their house, put wooden bars in the sliding doors so they don't open, sticks in the windows so they don't open and stuff like that. My house is wide open almost all the time. I have removed locking door knobs from some of the doors so it is unable to be locked fully. I have woken up to a deer in my entrance way because it wandered through the front door and took a nap on the heated tile floor. Had to chase a bunny out of the house once after it was startled and ran inside.
I hear you but we have season ticket and go 3 to 4 time a week it adds up guick $12 a pop for the locker. It called New York.
Not sure where you live in Manhattan but is there a firehouse near by I might transfer there. you go to the waterpark out here and you be walking home with no money cause your stuff will be stolen most likely.
Water World in Denver. Come any time. Hundreds of other trusting and friendly people too. Around 49th and Lex. Here is some random photo from the internet and you can see right there a couple unattended towels.They encourage you to bring your own picnic baskets and food/drinks as well.
Yeah that would last long at Splish Splash. It turn to crap when they opened up the bus from the train station. I know the former head of security there the same day they start the buses there where three robbery and 4 unlawful touchings. It is what it is but you know that why your in Denver now.
I'd consider buying something like this and securing it to a table or something while we're all in the water.
You should have 2 fobs. 1.Take the battery out of one of them. If you're a Prius Owner you should know how to start the car when the fob battery dies. 2. Take the keylet out of the fob when you park at the park and tie-wrap it to one of the kids. Leave the fob in the car in a non-obvious place. Done.