I use my Prius for work Fri-Sun with my Little Tex 4x8 tilt trailer attached. I used to drive a V10 F250. The ford got about 5-8 mpgs, the Prius is doing about 40mpgs towing the trailer. I get about 45 mpgs without the trailer but with the racks up top and a Thule 5 bike carrier in the reciever hanging off the back. I can do 50 pretty easy with nothing on it. This is all stuff I picked from yard sells for my resell business, BTW.
great setup! how much does the trailer weigh? someone was asking about putting a ladder on their prius, i hope they see this! do you watch american pickers, or is that boring for you?
I have no idea of the weight? LOL. I put 20' ladders up there quite frequently. I make a lot of money flipping them. Pickers is a fun show. Dig it!
American Pickers seems fake to me. I don't see how driving across American and making 30 profit is cost efficient.