Hit a deer on July 3rd while on our way back from a hike (traveling on a 55mph highway). Trooper said it was a full grown doe. Did considerable damage to our 3 month old Prius (was a 2015 Prius 3), so now we're waiting for the insurance company to sort out details. The car isn't drivable - the screen shows "Check Hybrid System" when you try to turn it on. The damage to the grille was pretty extensive and I believe the radiator backed into the engine. Do you guys think the damage is repairable? It's just terrible luck for us, since we're both do not have experience dealing with insurance claims. We just hope we won't get screwed with a huge loan on a non-existent car. The bright spot in this situation is that my wife and I were not hurt at all. All all our airbags deployed, but we didn't even touch them (we didn't slam into the bags). No bruises or aching joints. It could have been a lot worse... Will add more pictures when I get them. Here's the poor deer. Trooper said it was dead (edited to use a thumbnail instead of the huge picture):
glad you're okay, and just for the record, the deer hit you. but seriously, it's hard to tell from a picture. generally speaking, when you have a loan, they require full replacement cost insurance. my daughters '04 suffered serious damage from a deer at 65 mph, luckily, no one hurt, and they put it all back together for about 5 grand. still, i think you're better off if you can get a new one. all the best!
Bummer. The accident looks repairable, which in your case might actually be a better thing since you're about to find out how much your car has depreciated in the first three months of ownership. The most important thing is that the people are OK. You can fix the car, and eat (some parts of) the doe. and her fawn(s) are probably old enough to take care of themselves by now. If you keep the car for 8-10 years, and don't hit any more deer, then you're only out of pocket for your deductible. Good Luck!
I don't know. On one level, almost any amount of damage can be repaired. Glad you're not hurt. Actually my fear if I was in your situation, is that as a new vehicle the value will be such that they will fix it. That the damage will be extensive but repairable at a cost that makes that the choice of the insurance company. Then, I'd never feel as good about the vehicle again. BUT the first step is to see what the Insurance company decides. The cost of body work can add up quickly. Everything after that becomes your choice. That is...how long do you generally keep your vehicles, and assuming you get a quality body shop, and repair work being done at the highest level, how comfortable would you be with keeping the vehicle? Start researching body shops now. Even if it turns out you don't need it. You want one with the best reputation. I know in Oregon you do NOT have to take it to the one or ones that the Insurance Company will inevitably recommend. If forced to make a decision in this regard, at least knowing the reputation of the body shop you are going with is a good thing. Insurance companies will often offer their "Recommended Shops" with the carrot being they will back the repairs for the life of the vehicle under your ownership. But the further truth is that most reputable, quality shops do that anyway. The recommended shops aren't necessarily bad...they might even be a great choice, but you want to know the reputation of the shop that will ultimately do the work in any case. I'm not really familiar with any choices in Eugene. But I'd guess there are several.
its totaled so let the insurance company buy you a brand new one... it will never be perfect again so why would you want it back? be sure to break a few extra parts like the LCD screen and head lights so theres no doubt its totaled.. even if they rebuild it the value will be about 1/3 of one that wasn't wrecked.. odds are you will owe money on it either way the insurance pays the value today not the loan value when new
Start shopping for a new 2015 Three. It may be totaled but I've seen vehicles rebuilt although all the airbags deployed. You may have taken out the inverter if the hit is more toward the left side. I would have a Toyota dealer's collision shop do the work. I've had good experiences with Liberty Toyota & Holman Toyota but that's not going to help you. Rent a Prius from the dealer. That'll buff right out.
Glad everyone made it through a horrible experience alright. Best wishes for a speedy and painless recuperation.
Glad you're okay, and the car safety systems functioned! I think you're also lucky because the deer did not jump into the air and come through your windshield. Did you really have to show the picture of the deer?
Let us know. I'm really curious as to whether it get's totaled or not. With airbag deployment. I bet it's right on the line. I'd actually hope they decide to total it. But I think it's close.
that depends on what insurance you got ... I also got GAP insurance on my first and cancelled at the beginning of the third year ...
i think the deer pic is an important part of the evidence. at least he made you click on it for a good look, with a warning.
Insurance totaled the vehicle. The estimated repair costs came up to over $14,000. However, their valuation of a used 2015 Prius, 2 months old, with ~2800 miles is actually about $1000 higher than what we paid for the vehicle. So, we have the payout and we're in the market for another new Prius. Kind of nice to know that the vehicle kept us safe, and retained its value well enough that it appreciated a tiny bit in the few months we've owned it! Pictures of the car in the shop, post insurance-teardown: I just find it funny they stuffed everything they disabled into the cargo area... It looks like our old Prius is in car heaven now!