I owned a 2010 III with around 50k miles on it for about a year. I recently traded up the 2010 III for a 2013 level 4 with like 15k miles on it and right away I'm noticing something is just not right. I always fill the tank and I would always got just under 400 miles on a tank full with the 2010 III but for some unknown reason the 2013 level 4 is only getting me 310 maybe 320 at the very most So i went ahead did an oil change with Mobil 1 Synthetic 0W-20 Advanced Fuel Economy rotated the tires and set the psi to 36 all around the car has Ecopia EP20 on it If i recall correctly the 2010 had those OEM Goodyear Eco on it Anyways that didn't help at all in-fact my last take was the worst one yet got me only like 290 miles to the tank full ? So just started using that Fuelly and its saying my Avg MPG is 30.2 ? What could it be any opinions suggestions ? I drive and drove both vehicles identically the same used for business purposes with 95% city driving
Have you actually verified your mileage by recording the miles driven over a few tank fillups? Miles driven divided by gallons pumped. Use the same pump every time. This will give you the most accurate measurement. Once you're sure the car's mileage is unusually low, then I would contact someone who can run a diagnostic to see if any codes come up that indicate where the issue might be.
This is the vehicles history I also have the Carfax nothing unusual I can see that would affect the mileage ?
okay, you should test the 12 volt battery health, i just noticed the window tinting. did your mpg's drop, or was the first tank low?
Contact someone meaning bring it to the dealer? I have one of those OBDII adapters I used to turn off the reverse beeping is there some particular diagnostics i can run with that ? Is there a way to check the battery health with it ?
Na its been like that from the first tank i just tinted the front window the rest of the windows were already tinted anyway my previous Prius had the windows tinted pretty much exactly the same I don't get how that would affect the mileage ? Battery health the battery is draining and staying a bit on the low side been super hot here in South Florida and the A/C seems to be keeping the battery drained almost all the time its having trouble keeping charged
I would contact the dealer to find out what they're willing to do as far as reading for any codes and at what costs. Otherwise, a trusted mechanic that can read the codes who I know isn't just trying to get into my wallet would be better.
have you tried resetting you trip meter, and seeing what it gives you on a good long ride under various conditions?
Yeah I know I'm under warranty Just hate going to the dealer Do you think this is a legitimate issue that dealer will take serious ?
I always completely fill the tank at the same gas state and always reset the trip meter on every fill up always
I noticed that when the weather gets really hot, regen doesn't work even though the HSI shows it's full regenning. I know this because the battery amperage on my scan gauge stays at around -11 amps and my mechanical brakes shows that it's active. Normally regen braking shows -60 to -100 amps. Without regen, you'll get 10-25% less mpg.
Yeah i don't think thats the problem because my previous Prius was driving in the same heat and mpgs never got that bad plus i noticed right away the difference from the first gas tank on the new vehicle