This car would look much better if it came with black chrome emblem's versus chrome emblem or carbon fiber look..
adding new recruits to the rolls. welcome to the blizzard brigade 324. texaaa 325. Bob-blehead (your picture please) 326. harasho 327. kenniekenken 328. ensoruk 329. ncases 330. Milan_O2 331. SteeVP 332. TCW1184 333. NickInNJ 334. John75
lol... funny thread. WHITE power! I knew that extra $395 for Blizzard Pearl will get me into finer elite clubs in life.... We came from same dealership! Were brothers!
2011 Four, not IV since it isn't a 2010, Plus, owned 2 weeks now. Hey Marylanders near Baltimore, help me fill that foglight blank with a good electronics installer. Thx
Sign me up! 2012 PIP Advanced Technology package, Blizzard Pearl, 21K miles. Lease return from Washington State, purchased last week. Adding vinyl wrap next week, pictures to follow.
Plus one for the blizzard brigade I liked it so much I covered it all up to keep it nice and new beneath a layer of plastidip but rest assured it's under there! And it's mint! Lmao