Ok, my Son has earned his AS at Community College, has over a 3.0 GPA, hasn't turned into a druggie or drunk and it's time to consider getting him a new car. This fall he's going off to the College of "I Cost To Damn Much". The TDI Beetle I passed down to him has done as intended, saved fuel and got him through the new driver crash stage of his life, but it is long in the tooth now and I don't need the "Dad...it's broke again" call when he is a couple hundred miles away. So I narrowed it down to a Honda Fit, Corolla and Prius C. Leaning toward the Corolla at present, but still open to the Prius C. Looking for owner thoughts and input please.
The new Corolla would be nice but the C is good for a person looking to save on gas. I would honestly get the Corolla if a lot of highway driving is needed even though the C is more capable than high way speeds.
I vote for the C, but, freely admit that I'm prejudiced. I believe the C offers lower operating costs, with the fold down seats will allow more useful cargo carrying space, and its smaller size will allow easier parking in a crowded college/university campus setting. Additionally the C is cooler!!! Regarding the "College of I Cost Too Much" you have my sympathy. My daughter just completed dental school at a prestigious New England university, and some say our national debt is too high.
I would want the coolest car I can get my hands on. Since you've narrowed it down to three, let him decide which of the 3. It's his car
3 good choices, can't go wrong with any of the 3. Compare Side-by-Side I like the Toyota Corolla LE Eco, but college kids need to carry things from IKEA , so I would go for the Hatch. I would also consider a 2012 Gen III Toyota Certified used.
I really like The Honda Fit. Very versatile. But if we are talking brand new? I'd also say I like the previous generation Honda Fit better than the latest. Also if we are talking brand new, I think The Toyota Corolla looks great. Those are basically 3 pretty good/safe choices. I think I'd go with the Corolla if I was looking at new. Honda Fit if I wanted a good car from the previous generation.
I am also in the market for a new car(for retirement not college). The Fit is one of the ones on my list. If you haven't already seen it, there is a forum similar to Prius Chat called Fit Freaks. Most of the people there seem to be happy with the new Gen 3 Fits. But, there do seem to be quite a few more complaints about problems than I see on this forum. Perhaps it is because of new first year for this gen, and first year for the new factory in Mexico. May be worth checking out.
A Corolla is spacious (if you're ok with him driving friends around) and has cool features. The interior is definitely modern with cool blue back lighting, easy-to-clean optional SofTex, fake 7-speed gears in "S" mode with throttle blip downshifts, and a fuel efficient engine (particularly if he does a good chunk of highway driving. Fuel economy is insane). However, the Corolla is a sedan and, well, the trunk opening is limiting even though the trunk size itself is capacious. I couldn't fit a full size Coleman inside the trunk of the Corolla that I just took out of the Gen 2 Prius lol. The hatchback is amazingly convenient for moving and just all-round active lifestyle (biking, snowboarding/skiing, kayaking might be pushing it on the small cars). The Fit is the king of flexibility but I would take Toyota's Entune headunits over Honda's touchpad-style headunit. I can't remember if Toyota put the latest Entune units in the 2015 Prius c (different from the 2012 units found in pretty much any 6.1" Display Audio from 2012 to present). They're much higher in resolution and look thoroughly modern. They're a bit quicker too in terms of response. I'd say let him try all 3 and choose for himself.
understood. the truth sometimes hurts. i have been in two industries where production in mexico was moved to china, due to qc.
RAM Truck, several VWs (Jetta, Beetle and most recently, the Golf) and the new Fit are made in Mexico (and a few Fords but I don't exactly know which models).
You have been given great advice and I think all the bases are covered, good luck with your choice, I think you are safe with any of your top 3
I would expect Honda to work out the new factory, new gen quality problems, but yes, there have been some reported. Really, if you don't mind buying used, I'd really recommend the previous Gen Honda Fit. I think the layout, look and interior was actually superior to the new Gen. Until Honda works out the bugs, right now, I really feel "Older" Honda Fit is better than brand new.
I'd narrow it down to three and give the kiddo some rudder input. If he's going to be keeping the car for more than 5 years, I'd steer him towards a "C" type or maaaaaybe a Corolla. The Mazda 3 would also be close to the top of my list, as well as the Fit - although I concur with TEM that the Usta-Fit is (was) a better car. You've already done the VeeDubbaya thing, so I don't have to worry about you being tempted with the Jetta. Another option would be a gently used dependable Civic/Corolla type with the promise of a new-new upon graduation from CICTDM. Cheap insurance......and he's going to be picking the person who will be changing your diaper. Good Luck!