Okay, just removed the stereo. Looks like the 2015 Prius C has a completely different layout for the harness. I purchase the kit that seems to be compatible up to 2014. Any help on how to proceed?
I uploaded it in the attachment. First time doing so, not sure if it'll work. While I was waiting for a reply, I checked on Amazon, and it seems like there's a kit for the 2015. Apparently, it's a 24-pin connector, and what I'm supposed to do was to remove the factory plug and just plug in the harness. Leaving the factory plug dangling. If that's the case, I'm really curious why I don't need to plug back the factory plug. What were those wires for?
Well, I got it installed. Works perfectly. took about 2 hours. Used the harness in the link in the above post. Still have no idea what the original wires were for.
Can you post or re-post the info on exactly what kit you purchased for a backup camera that works with a 2015 Prius c three? Thanks
It's the amazon link 2 post above. Paid $124.95 for it. You'll noticed the Harness is not a T-harness.
Sorry, I must be slow, but I can't find an Amazon link in any of the posts above. Could you please post it again. Thanks.
you probably have ad blocker enable in your chrome browser. here's the http. Amazon.com : Toyota Backup Camera Kit for Prius 2015, Corolla (2014-up) : Car Electronics
Many thanks, I ordered one, I'll report back my experience with it. I really can't understand why backup cameras aren't standard on these cars. The dealer told me that they will be required equipment in the near future.
I just installed that one today with a friend on a Prius c 2015 bought in Canada. Installed great and works fine without any wire cutting or adapters.
Here is the review I wrote on the specific camera: Amazon.com: Quinn Jackson's review of Toyota Backup Camera Kit for Prius 2015, C...
I installed this model on my 2015 Prius C One without any problems last week. Plug and play into the stereo. It is a bit of a pain threading the cords all the way to the back hatch, but its worth it.
I think I might do that too. It is the one on Amazon right? Have you done it yet and did it work? Do you need the rear cable?
you'll need to make sure you're purchasing the correct year. Harness is different between -14 and 15+.
I finally installed my backup camera. Been sitting on my shelf for a few months now and so i finally decided to install it. Took about 3 hours. Pretty easy to install.
I got it and because mine is the one trim also had to tap the trigger. Dead as a door nail still. Any pointers? I have a multimeter just not sure how to check for faults
i checked the continuity and voltage and everything is working as it should. Is it possible my radio doesn't support backup camera? It's from a 2012 prius c and includes navigation hd and sat radio. The model on the front show 100023