Last week, after 4 years and 4 months (42,000 miles) on the stock Yokohama Avid tires, I had to replace them. I went with a set of Black Lion Cilerro tires in the matching size for $320 installed. I'm not sure if this is normal, but the first tank I used on the new tires netted 47.7mpg vs. 53.7mpg (actual calculations not computer calculations). I'm curious to see if this continues to happen. The gas, temperature, weather, roads, etc. were pretty much all constants. I've estimated that if this persists, I would spend about $20 more per year on gasoline, which more than makes up the difference for another set of the stock tires by about 2x over the estimated life of the tires. Any thoughts?
I have never heard of this brand. I only can assume they are low quality Chinese tires. At $70 a piece you could have bought very nice Continental or Yokohama tires with Low Rolling Resistance. Alex
but hey, if the ride, handling, smoothness, quietness, rain and snow traction, and longevity are all good, whats 20 bucks a year?
Well, it's been a couple of weeks, and although I haven't burned a tank of gas it looks like the mileage numbers are similar. The upside is that the tires are quieter and more comfortable than the previous tires. This is good for me since many of the regular streets around me have all been chipped and tarred vs. paved in recent years. I'll miss seeing the 52-57mpg tanks, but it is what it is. Thanks for the replies.
New tires will always have a little lower mpg than your old tires. But if you figure all you're missing out on is $20 a year..........I guess I wouldn't even worry about it. A flat tire repair will cost you that much