After doing much research on this site, I have found this. And I think it will work. 33$ sounds awesome as opposed to 150$. I understand I will need to change terminals. I have found a good write up on how to do so.
Batteries plus has the battery. Part number 45215-5-dot5Ah-12-Volt-Duracell-Ultra-AGM-Battery-DURA12--5-dot5F
Are you honestly comparing a 5.5 ampere-hour battery to the factory 28 ampere-hour one? If you're car has smart key, or you run any accessories without the car on, or haven't driven the car for a while, it's safe to say that the 5.5 AH will be very quickly drained.
The OEM battery for non-SKS models is 35 aH and the one for SKS models is 45 aH. He could put 6-8 Duracell batteries in parallel.
if you cant afford $150 for the correct battery every 5 years you cant afford any car. you might as well put a riding lawn mower battery in it for $29.95 and pray. im cheap but DAMN! maybe just leave the hatchback open like a sail and on windy days you can go for free
I don't think we have any reports of someone trying something like this, so it does not sound like a good idea, and furthermore you'd be on your own. Probably better budget basement approach is finding a used batt I suppose sometimes they have life left. Some have lasted a long time if well kept.