The figure I gave was 5 cents/liter, which is nearly identical to the 20 cents/gal you get, before currency conversions. Another chain here is giving 10 cent/gal increments, capped at $1/gal. Safeway was too, but seems to be phasing that out in some regions. Not sure about here at the moment. Some years ago, our multiple Safeway 10 cent/gal credits here in WA transferred straight across to 10 cents/liter discounts in BC. Unfortunately, someone in their IT department caught on and blocked it the next year.
Another reason I like to drive around empty is for fuel economy reasons. I can go weeks sometimes without using any gas. So, in EV mode, do I really want to be carrying around an extra 50 pounds worth of gas all over the place when I don't need to?
No but an extra 10 or so probably wouldn't make a measurable difference and would leave a better margin for error. Are you familiar with Mr. Murphy ?
I know exactly where my margin for error is and it's well past 0 on the DTE indicator. Also, I'm confused, do you own a PiP?
OK I'm sorry I forgot that your perception of reality is perfect and beyond reproach. And no I don't own a PiP but that has no bearing on the wisdom of running your gas tank too low. Also when the tank is nearly empty it tends to condense more moisture out of the larger air space above the fuel too. Oops, there I go again questioning your impeccable logic. Oh.......and I just noticed where you are located. Let's say, just for grins, that a tornado comes through your town and knocks out all of the power for miles around. You can't charge because of no power. You can't buy gas because the pumps don't work. This situation lasts for a week. If I were caught in that situation, I would be able to drive about 400 miles. You might be able to do 50.
Better than you it seems. It is MUCH more fragile than you seem to think. BUT......that was only an example. Various different things could put you in a bind but if you don't care than I certainly don't. Innocent by-standers should be aware of ALL of the factors though.
Very true. I find the most joyful people to be around are those that are constantly warning others of what may go wrong.
It is called "being practical and giving out good advice". It has nothing whatsoever to do with being "joyful" or not. I am very joyful that I have NEVER had to try and find gas when I ran out. Not in 50 years and probably over a million miles. Not in a truck, car or motorcycle. Lawnmowers don't count.