If a vehicle was going to tempt me away from Prius ownership? It might be the 2016 Mazda MX-5. I just think that's a great looking "Sharp" Vehicle. Don't like buying a 1st model year, and I can't afford it anyway. But....in 3-4 years? Used? I almost hope it has a huge flaw so I don't want it.
Well I was tempted today and I walked away with a New 2015 Prius 2. Got a total of about $6050 off the MSRP of $25250, discount includes $2000 rebate and $500 Prius loyalty rebate. I couldn't say no..... With prices like these, it's hard to get me to drive anything else......
Wow, that is a good price. I paid 22,500 two years ago for my Prius 2, and it didn't have a back-up camera. Now I definitely think is a good time to buy a Prius if it's a vehicle you've wanted. But.....can you imagine the top down....a mountain or seaside road on a summer or fall day? Don't worry, I think My Prius and I have some time left.
I just realized the dealer made a mistake in giving me the $500 loyalty rebate. The condition of that rebate is that I must finance through Toyota......which I didn't do. I wonder if they'll ask me for that money back.
It looks like they ripped off the S2000 design. And in that vein, just buy a proven Honda S2000. Way more fun. That's a car I want, but don't have. My best buddy has one it is super fun to rip around with the top down.
Honda 4 bangers tend not to have much torque, the driving fun isn't quite there. Looks fast but......
Well I want to see this Mazda in person. But I think I like the look better than the Honda S2000. Seems to have more exotic edginess. Of course at this point I've only seen pictures. I have found that sometimes a vehicle I think I like in Photo, I don't like when I actually see it, and vice versa. At this point just a pipe dream. I can only afford to own and operate one vehicle at a time. And The Prius is my vehicle for the foreseeable future. Or until that day I actually do see one, and REALLY REALLY like it....
You obviously know nothing about the S2000. It has enough torque, it is super light car. Sure a big muscle car will beat it off the line, but when they redline and shift gears, you have another 4K of RPMs to go through. Remember the S2000 goes up to 9K RPMs. The S2000 has been routinely voted the best sports coupe for a reason. Way more fun than a mazda.
I don't know how to explain it. But my previous vehicle was just a humble Honda Fit. And it wasn't by definition fast, or powerful.. But Honda did a great job making it operate like a "fast" car within the parameters of it's own capabilities. So to me? It felt fun to drive, like a sports car, even if I was actually driving at way below real sports car speeds. If that makes any sense.
Stock S2000 vs a pretty well tuned MX5 with a turbo S2000 wins. There is a 20-something minute video that is of the same race a a couple times with the driver reactions but it is long and mostly fluff. As expected the MX5 beats off the line and at the first gear change the S2000 powers ahead and keeps ahead.
The S2000 always had the reputation that it had to be shifted constantly to keep the revs up to where it was creating power. Nice looking. Well built. Holds value well. Not the most spacious. Not much luggage space. Not great for stop and go driving. I looked at one when I was buying a sports car. Ditto the Miata. I had bought 2 626s and liked the brand. Practical. But the windshield was too short. When buying a sports car, drive em and see how they fit your driving needs. Don't go by looks.
i had a miata from '91 thru '04, a lot of fun on the three nice days a year we get around here. i got over it though.
just traded a 07 Miata with 37k for our new c, loved the mx5 it was a lot of fun just got too small as I got older