I saw this new bit on perceptions related to the Prius. As a relatively new Prius owner I have experienced some negative feedback related to the Prius. Mostly from under 30 year old kids. I thought the reaction surprising as I love getting high mileage and appreciate the design of this revolutionary car. They see it differently as they own "sportier" cars which they still owe to the bank. As I read through the article there's a suggestion that Toyota needs to change perception. I don't think Toyota needs to work on anything. Once gas prices increase we'll see perceptions change as gas guzzlers get hit hard in the wallet. Toyota Prius Brand Perception More Negative In Social Media: Analysis
Yes, you have to have pretty thick skin to be a gear head Prius owner, especially if you hang with other "car people." Unfortunately, the car gets a bad rap and is largely stereotyped from the early days. If they really look into it, the car is pretty phenomenal from an automotive technology standpoint. There's a reason why it's one of the top selling cars...and why luxury, exotic and race cars are incorporating the technology... I have slowly won people over as they have ridden in it and experienced the roominess and surprising power (not a rocket, but not the slow turd they think).
Ugh...I don't think we should attach too much weight on that blog article, unless it seems to gain traction. Right now Toyota is getting flak both ways, some who think Prius is too green, and some who think it is not green enough (EV fans ticked at Toyoyta). Meanwhile Prius hybrid sales so far decent (-5% off 2014 adding up LB+c+v) and just getting stronger vs. the hybrid market, as other hybrids fall back further (-16% of 2014).
i think i've seen all those posters in the comments to fox sports articles. they don't own cars and live in their mothers basements. nothing to be concerned about, voelker is just trying to stir the pot, that's how he makes a living.
The funny thing is that at least where I live the feedback is nearly the opposite. The younger generation seems to "get" The Prius and actually likes it. The under 30 crowd that has grown up with environmental concerns and recycling and "electronic gadgetry" seems to appreciate the technology and the efficiency. They like the Prius. In fact the whole "Hate The Prius" campaign I think is over blown. For me if I get any negative feedback it's from my own generation and older. Those that have grown up with 6 cylinder and 8 cylinder engines and think that an automobile that isn't constantly firing pistons in operation is somehow an affront to the whole automotive universe. But in general most younger people I have talked to, seem to get that change is here, and change is needed. This is probably too close to home and very subjective, but without any mention from me, or any campaigning on my behalf, my 9 year old nephew thinks the Prius is great. I don't know where he get's it from, but he's aware of the efficiency of a Hybrid, and even knows about other alternative cars. He want's to ride in my Prius and I have to tell him to calm down, it's just a car. In closing though, I don't really care about supposed "perceptions" of Prius or any vehicle for that matter. The Prius has been successful enough to be recognized. If it has an "image" good for it. Tangibly the reasons for liking it as a machine, I think outweigh any reasons for a non-owner to dislike it. When someone says they don't like a Prius they are basically saying they don't like efficiency, low emissions and fuel economy. They'ed rather burn fuel, so they can make noise and go fast. OK...I won't judge..but if that's your reasons for hating and or liking I find them so invalid as to be ridiculous.
i didn't see any insights in this "analysis". I personally would like to know how much of that prius hate is spontaneous and how much it's crafted behind the curtains (ie "astroturfing") by powers that lose money when fuel efficiency goes up.
After several years of looking at, asking owners about, and researching the Prius, I finally got one two weeks ago. I have been bombarded by coworkers and others about my "chick" car. Ive also been asked for my Man Card, and I'm now supposedly "gay". My response to this abuse is to spout the virtues of the car, and the whole "don't knock it till you try it" thing. Oh, and I was told that "my truck uses the gas your Prius didn't use!" Wow! What a stupid thing to say. I believe most of these people are simply jealous of the car's fuel mileage, and they can't deal with the abuse they would receive if they too bought a Prius. Screw their opinions. I love my Prius and I'm not ever giving her up!!
"It's not Personal, It's Strictly Business" 50mpg plus is addictive. Prius Haters need to have someone to Hate. I'm willing to be that guy. Big 4x4 & Crew Cab Dually trucks really don't like to be behind or be passed by a Prius.
Real Men don't need a Man Card. Only pretenders have them. Since when does a straight male not want a car that appeals to 'chicks'?. Where I live now, that is not a problem. Just tell them they aren't your type, so they should go hit on someone else. Where I came from (same culture that led to this: Matthew Shepard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), that comment borders on a hate crime, as it was a frequent prelude to violence. Thus, it now counts as a workplace offense. If they continue, report it. Their fuel guzzlers help finance terrorists and other people who hate us -- Iran, major portions of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Vladimer Putin in Russia, Venezuela (and its late dictator Hugo Chavez), and ISIS / ISIL. So we end up paying for both sides of the War on Terror. Oil conservation supports national security.
All good points! I really don't care I think it's funny that my car is such a topic of discussion. Haters gonna hate, I just shake it off!
At the end of the day - what anyone says about the car vs. actual performance is irrelevant. I also think that Toyota would be smart enough to hire a new ad firm (vs. the previous one where users in TV commercials are cartoons) to sell Gen 4 product. I do find the Prius to be my most intriguing car.
I've gotten some crap from co-workers about it being a "gay" car, and the like. I laugh at the ignorance. I did have one guy tell me it's propaganda put out by Toyota, and that there's no way I get anywhere near 50mpg.
Any time my coworkers made fun of my car, I just ask them how much they spent on gas, which averages $30-60 a week. I then tell them I paid $20-30 (depending on the price of gas), and I last filled up two weeks ago. And as gas prices slowly claw their way back up, the savings is only going to get better.
525 miles in my 94 Corvette (my previous daily driver) would be around 37 gallons of gas. 525 in my Prius is 11 gallons of gas (after first fill up) 37 X $2.38= $88.06 11 X $2.38= $25.94 Almost 3.5 times better!!
With me , some times , at a stop light , some one with a negative perception pulls up next to me I click the power button , light turns green , now off we go , up to the speed limit , then I let off the gas , and mr negative is able to pass me ,
Per·cep·tion “noun”: The state of being or process of becoming aware of something through the senses, intelligence is not involved! Children who watch too much TV may have 'damaged brain ...
You can always show them this brand-new review: 2015 Toyota Prius, Track Tested Review - The Truth About Cars