Hey guys my prius was reset due to HVbattery being replaced, I need to pass the NY State inspection and for that I have to complete a Drive cycle. I have followed the instructions in the service manual for Catalist, O2 and Evap test I put the car in inspection mode and idle for few min to warm up then drive it for 10-20 min while monitoring it with techstream the Ctalyst and O2 showed Pass and Complete the Evap needed the car to cool down for 6 hours so did that but I am not sure if I am ready to go in or not... my screen on techstream is shown in the attached picture. the COMPLETE does not show any more for the catalyst or O2 even but it does say PASS for all 3 .. what does this mean? am I ready to go in? why does it say incomplete for the test that I already passed? Thanks
1. See what the Cumulative Monitor page indicates. 2. You probably have to drive at least 50 miles to 100 miles at varying speeds, highway and city driving, before your car will be ready for emissions testing. 3. Although the Current Monitor page indicates that a particular test is passed as of that moment, I believe the test needs to be passed repeatedly during the driving performed in #2 above, to ensure that intermittent issues do not exist.
not according to service manual, there is 3 set of driving patterns to follow to pass the test.. 50miles of random driving is for people who do not have service manual or techstream and just go about it randomly. I will check it again this morning with techstream and OBD 2 see what I see. it was very confusing for the cat. and O2 to pass the test and then say incomplete
well I checked it again now.. it says Monitor Incomplete so I am not ready to go in... I just dont get it why it says PASS if it is incomplete and why it changed from complete to incomplete after I turned off the car after my drive.
used techstream and checked another car that has passed the inspection and this is how it looks.. so I guess I need to PAss the test multiple times for the Monitor stat to say complete. on the other hand the Evap test requirement says my fuel has to be between 1/ and 3/4 and not more or less for the test to pass ... maybe I need my fuel to go down more. oh well I have to keep this car in garage to avoid tickets.. so annoying. thanks for the help
for Evap Test Make sure your fuel level is under 3/4 and above 1/2 let car cool down for 6-8 hours .. turn it on without turning the engine on and give it 2 minutes or so to test the car then turn the car on and drive it for 10-15min... I was able to pass all the tests in 20miles