I have a 2007 with 95K, never had brake pads...at 90K they said it was fine. Lately on wet road when I brake it will momentarily flash the dashboard traction warning. Is this a sign I'm finally needing a brake job or maybe a suspension shock strut/issue. It's usually accompanied by a very brief feel of acceleration, but more like a "slippage" in the engine braking than true tire slippage. thanks!
tires. I have the suck integritys and they slip all the time. if I wasn't such a cheap sob I'd have replaced them when I bought the car. buy some Michelin 205/60r15's and your problem will be solved.
What is the brand/model of the tires, and what is the tire tread depth? What tire inflation pressure do you use?
I had traction control kicking in like crazy on a Civic with rear drums. The dealership had just bled the brakes, and handed it back with one of the rear drum brakes completely gone, no braking action. Do you feel any side-to-side rocking as you come to a stop, and find you're overshooting where you intended to stop, say the broad white line at a stop? Just a thought.
I agree with tires. It also happens when braking while going over bumps. It's the result of the ABS system detecting a tiny bit of front tire slip or hop, kicking out the regenerative braking and activating the wheel brakes, with anti-lock modulation as needed. There's a very slight delay between the two that can be perceived as momentary acceleration. The initial tire slip is often too little for human detection. Tires with better wet-surface adhesion will almost certainly reduce the ABS activation. Or, brake more lightly to prevent the system from activating.