10 month old plug in (2014 model) with around 22k odometer. I'm getting low air pressure warning continuously now , 3 times in a week which highly suggest that there is a low puncture in one of the tire. Without checking the big book , I want to know from forum scholars on what to do in such situation. Should I go to a local shop and get it fixed or should I call Toyota or Original Tire manufacturer for fixing it ?
You should check the tire pressure with a tire pressure guage to identify any under inflated tires and look for punctures in them. Or take it to a tire shop where that should do it for free. Also, read the owner's manual to learn how to initialize the tire pressure sensor, after inflating the tires to the pressure levels on the sticker inside the driver's door jam. Edit; here it is on page 40 of this PDF or page 478 by the page numbers at bottom of pages. http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om/OM47787U/pdf/sec_04-03.pdf The warning would be constant if you had a bad/punctured tire, not 3 times a week. More likely, a tire pressure is %9 lower than when sensors were set and 3 times a week it dips to %10 lower (maybe colder ambient temps) and trips the warning light.
By this time, you should also know, from your own personal tire pressure checks, which tire is low and by how much. Take it to a tire shop, don't waste time with the seller. Some shops will fix it for free, others for $10 or a similarly low loss-leader. I've had three different cars experience this in their first year. One was discovered just two days after delivery, and I strongly believe it already had the nail at delivery time, just having been swapped and driven over from another nearby dealer and not yet discovered. In all cases, the leaks were from road hazards that were my responsibility.
Go to local tire shop and fix it. I had it done 4 times already in 2.5 years. Usually, the road noise got louder due to the nail/screw hitting the asphalt/concrete. I don't remove it and kept it slow leak. I have the portable air pump in the trunk.
It sounds very much like this owner has never actually checked his tire pressures. In that case, there might NOT be a real puncture that needs fixing. He needs to get a tire gauge, pump up the offending tire.......or tireS....since probably more than one will be on the low side......and then check them every day for a week or two. P.S. Tire "warranties" are a joke in general unless it includes "road hazard" coverage.
And Road Hazard coverage typically costs extra and is usually only good for one year. If the tires came with the vehicle, then you probably don't have Road Hazard insurance. Check your warranty for specific details as to what is/is not covered.
Some tire shops "include" it at no additional cost. The cost is usually minimal BUT......I've been driving for a LONG time in a LOT of different vehicles and have never seen a road hazzard warranty that has a time limit. Not good past a certain tread depth limit maybe but not based on time.
Thanks all for replying. As I said earlier, I was getting low pressure warning despite correcting the air pressure. When it occurred 3 times in a week, I posted this concern here. Later I took the car to wheel works and they found a nail at side curve and since it was not in central pitch of the tire, it can't be fixed and tire have to replace. By law they can't fix the puncture if it's on sideway. I checked at Toyota dealership where they confirm that there is no warranty for such road hazard on original tires and I have to buy a new one which I end up doing at wheel works after getting a price match from tirerac. I also bought road hazard warranty for extra 20 bucks. Hope it help others.
Maybe that is what you were THINKING but it is NOT what you said in any of your posts. Go back and look. That is why some of the answers you got might appear to be a bit strange.