Your numbers are much lower than I've calculated. I've measured about 90% for L2 and 85-86% for L1 charging. I did this by driving only in EV for a couple of weeks (except a short ICE warmup after 124 miles). I recorded the kwh for each charge and compared to the kwh consumed reported on the dash. Mike
My salmon have never been much good at powering my home or providing much other benefit to me. I'll take the power and leave the salmon issue up to the fish hatcheries. I need to calculate my figures again for L1 charging. My estimate is based on initial numbers which could have a larger margin of error. I'm L2 charging now and have no means to measure efficiency.
I have never looked on line - and don't even know if SCE provides such a comprehensive breakdown, but I will look, when I get a chance. The only thing I've studied is the monthly paper bill which shows the entire month as a break even month - or a month where we generate more than we use, or a month where we use more grid power than we generate ... the latter 2 scenarios are then illustrated as average daily surplus or average daily drawn from the grid - like so; You can tell we run a lot of Christmas lights during the 3 shortest months of the year .