Japan's Disposable Workers: Overworked to Suicide for Pulitzer Center | MediaStorm While many people may already have suspected this, apparently mental health issues are a huge thing in Japan, due to their culture of working hard, keeping your problems to yourself, and being socially stigmatized if you admit to having depression. So it's probably little wonder that they have a high suicide rate. This may also shed some light on their falling birth rates, as people are so overworked that they simply don't have time to go on dates, or spend time with their girlfriends/wives. I'm starting to see why so many characters in anime shows have parents that aren't home at all, usually because they're working, and often overseas. I also wonder if Japanese employees working for Toyota are also having to deal with stress like this, and why they're so persistent on pushing fuel cell vehicles, insisting that everyone will want them. I'm sure a few heads will roll if the Mirai isn't a smashing success and they lose billions as a result. Maybe I'll stop bashing them so much now about it after watching this. This film is only 10 minutes if you're pressed for time. The other two films, which I also recommend watching are short as well, 10 and 5 minutes each.
well... you could choose being overworked in a 1st world job environment or overworked in a 3rd world sweatshop environment (or no work at all) I mean, if those that barely have anything in a day to day basis get by with being overworked themselves without the support of 1st world mental doctors or a nice salary in general...then I'm pretty sure it's just a 1st world problem kind of thing
looks like koreans are driven even more as they rank much higher with similar cultural issues. List of countries by suicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's karoushi, but what is not reported here is the alarming increase of the rate of mentally disturbed maniacs roaming around in Japan. There are kidnappings and rape of children every week and lots of random attacks by knife (guns and samurai swords are illegal) that lead to senseless murder. I believe this is attributed to social separation due to spending too much time on the internet and playing games. The ability to communicate with other people are diminishing creating mental disturbance.
It is their culture... nothing really new here, just more of em now then there were in the past, so there are more opting out of breathing air.
very sad, no matter where it happens. too much emphasis on success. we do a pretty good job ourselves of working too hard and too much. i have never believed that it is worth it.
One of the sad things that makes modern work suck a lot to is having to sit in front of a computer screen all day, every day in so many jobs. The bosses don't do that, but they expect the worker bees to only do that.
On the bright side, the current crop of LED screen are much better than the old CRT vga ones of he 1990's. The old ones even gave off cancer causing radiation.
In China, this is a problem at school more than at work. I have a lot of friends who are moving to Australia very specifically so that their children can get a worse education. They don't want to put their kids through the appalling levels of stress that they'd face in school in China.
The worked-to-suicide thing? Not really: it is much more common in Japan and South Korea than elsewhere.
In the US we take out classmates coworkers and relatives in murder suicide. Check out the thread in the political forum on the German copilot.