I was wondering if anyone knows if the VPNS is located in a different spot in the 2015 models. I have reviewed earlier posts showing it located on the drivers side inside the wheel well but I have been unable to locate it or anything that resembles a little black speaker. I do hear a buzzing sound coming from, what sounds like, the underside of the 4-cyl engine when the system is on, in park, but engine not running. Idk if thats it and maybe Toyota moved it since people were easily disabling it or if its somewheres else and looks different from earlier models. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks
Not on our 2010, maybe on the newer ones. I suspect yeah. I could live with it, think it's a good idea. Not perfect but hey.
i think they started in '12. i have yet to have anyone walking down the middle of the aisle in a parking lot turn around and look at me. not that i want it louder, just that i think it's useless. i promise not to run any one over. maybe.
Honest to God, if I had the speaker, and was going to do a mod, I'd love to re-direct the sound from this item, so that it came from the outside speaker, good'n loud. Obviously with a switch so you could toggle it on/off.
I saw those, but I thought they are for the DRCC and PCS even tho my model doesn't have those options. Something in the manual said thats where they are if equipped. I followed one of the wires straight down the radiator and it isn't connected to anything at the bottom. Maybe ill try disconnecting it and see if it makes the "noise" go away.