In terms of spare keys, the local auto recycler had them listed for $40. He threw one in free with my Prius purchase. I programmed it base on info on this site. Others are on eBay for $110.
You know, when I was working for my Uncle Sam in the very early 1970s, he had me use what we called 100mph tape, which was basically like duct tape, but we used it for everything from rotor blades to knife repair. I have never seen duct tape since those days that holds as well. Not sure if it was some special brand or "mix" or what, but if someone has any idea, I would like to know, as the duct tape I have now works after a fashion, but not as well as that stuff we used on our "tropical vacation. "
Thanks, I am thinking that must be the same stuff Uncle gave us. Had never heard of the Gorilla Tape, although I knew about the line of glue. I may give that a shot, since I can get it locally. Much appreciated!!!