New to Prius Chat, just bought a five year old Gen 3 this past week. Had it serviced immediately for peace of mind. I've read that the service interval in the US is 10,000 miles now? In Australia it is shorter at roughly 6000 miles/6 months. Can I go ahead and service it at the US interval? It's exactly the same car? I probably only drive 6000 miles in the city in a year. At the service, they put in 10w-40 oil instead of 0w-20. Can I still do the longer interval with this oil? If not should I change it now? I don't have the tools/space/experience for DIY so am doing everything at a shop. Thanks in advance for the advice!
On USA cars, the oil grade 0W-20 is stamped on the oil filler cap. Does your oil filler cap include an oil specification? Also, to take advantage of the 10,000 mile oil service interval, the oil must be full-synthetic. If not, the recommended interval is 5,000 miles. Finally, I would not be happy the shop put 10W-40 grade in my engine. Assuming they are a reputable shop, they should redo the oil service with the correct grade of oil for your engine at no cost.
the only thing i can think of is your warranty, might want to check with the dealer. other than that 10k with synthetic should be fine.
Wouldn't a five-year-old Gen 3 be a 2010, not 2009 as you show? Was that service at a dealer or somewhere else? What viscosity does Toyota recommend in Australia?
The oil filler cap on the engine has no markings on it, is that where it should be? The owner manual says 0W-20. The Australian service manual, which has been posted on here, gives a range of oils, including even thicker oils (e.g. 15w-40), given we don't get below freezing here (can't seem to find the link). Car is 5 years and 5 months old (first sold October 2009). So you guys think I need 0w-20 to get to the 1 year interval? This is because that's a fully synthetic oil right? I'll get it changed to 0w-20 then on Monday, which is much cheaper than an extra service in 6 months. Thanks
don't waste the current oil if new. use it for the full 6,000 mile/6 moths interval and then switch to FULL SYNTHETIC oil to do the 10,000 mile/12 months OCI. you don't have to use 0W20 in Australia. 5W30 is very similar and can be found much easier in your country.
If I was you I'd service it once every year (based on the fact that you'll be doing circa. 6k miles per year)