2006 Gen II, 12V battery is about 2 years old, OEM, from dealer. I am going to park it at the airport for three weeks. The valet option was cheapest, so I leave my car at the terminal with the parking company who then move it to 0ff-airport garage. Then when I return they bring it back to the terminal and have it waiting for me. Last time I left the car for three weeks (a year ago) the 12V battery was dead, but I suspect (although cannot be sure) that I might have left the interior light on. My fear is that we come back and the parking company can't start the car. Realistic or unfounded? What proactive steps can I take? Two one-way rentals would be cheaper than a new battery + parking, but it's a pain dealing with rental drop off and pick up, especially late at night. Thanks!
The parking company will not shut off the SKS or confirm any lights left on so the car could be exposed to an idiot with jumper cables which could cost $XXXXX money and you would not know who to blame. I would not use a Prius in this situation. You got really lucky once. Rental.
to be sure that the battery will last 3 weeks, test it when cold. if it's 12.7 or better, you should be fine. but it never hurts to have a back up plan. i'm leaving mine for 5 weeks next wednesday, God willing. it's worked for me for 10 years, (not the same cars) but i have the luxury of having it at home, should it be dead.
You could turn off SKS system under the steering wheel yourself...I think this requires the key fob to be inserted in the ignition to start.
If you ask yourself, "Am I setting myself up for failure?" then Yes, you are setting yourself up for failure. Could you leave your Prius for 3 weeks at the airport under the circumstances you outline and have everything go right? Certainly. Could one or more of the scenario's for failure happen? Certainly. It does seem to me, that if we are only talking transportation to and from the airport? There has to be a way that exposes your Prius to less risk. I personally don't like leaving any vehicle of mine at the airport. I think I'd like leaving a hybrid and Prius even less. Shuttle, Taxi, Bus, Rental Car...or a combination of those...A friend that could drop you off? Pick you up...anything? anything?
Um, I would never leave any car outside for 3 weeks uninterrupted unless you want acid etching in your paint from bird droppings. If you're going to leave it that long, use a self park option and bring a car cover. Or just take an airport shuttle and leave it at home in your garage or carport.
Some off site parking at the airports offers optional covered parking, and even gas and a car wash before pickup. Of course you pay for it. They also have jumper carts available. But I often choose to drive somewhere else to pick up the right flight and I've left dozens of cars for 2 to 4 weeks over the years. Worst experience was Houston where after ten days the heat had melted the rear view mirror right off the windshield. Other than that can't think of a single issue with leaving a car parked in long term or off site parking. Just used my v with 2 year old battery for the first time in 2 weeks and certainly didn't notice a difference.
I wouldn't argue that it's not perfectly possible to park a Prius for 2-3 weeks without issue. Anywhere. It's just if I have the choice between an airport parking lot...or home? I'll choose to leave it parked at home, shut down, and locked by myself as opposed to parked and "hopefully" shut down and locked by an Airport parking lot attendant. Especially if you have a garage at home. And if you did have an issue? Would you really want an airport parking lot attendant using a jumper cart to try and jump your Prius?
Thanks for the thoughtful responses. I've decided to *not* trust strangers with my car. Thanks for the help!
A couple of simple starting and stopping instructions posted on the center of steering wheel should idiot proof the stranger factor. I watched the 2007 Prius that I bought, sit for two months before I bought it. I believe I was the only one who drove it in the middle of that time frame based on the snow covering. It started just fine everytime. 12V battery was new spring of 2014 and it is a non-SKS model.
Well the fact that his although rather new battery saw a 100% dead scenario already would concern me. His 12 volt already has issues because of that. He's just lucky because he probably drives the car everyday and keeps the 12 topped off. But I bet that battery which is already a little sulphated would not last 5 days. Op will never know how sulphated it already is because he has never charged it up once and does not know. But I bet its bad enough that its affecting his mpg. The 12 volt battery is the most important device in this car. Its a real pain in the pump. Hey op try this: In the am before you start the car: Press the start button once without your foot on the brake. Then push the info button on the mfd and hold the info button down. While holding the button down turn the headlights on and off 3 times. The signal check menu should pop up on the mfd. Press the button called vehicle check on the mfd menu there. See the line that says 12volts? Whats that read exactly? Then turn on the headlights and whats it read? I bet it says 11.7 volts.