I've just had lunch. I had sausages. I have no idea whether any animals were harmed in the making of them. While the label suggests animals were harmed, the flavour suggests that they were not.
Some squid ate the lat two..... You'll have to settle for whale bacon or some shark fin (or birds nest) soup....
Naaah. Birds' nest doesn't kill the animals directly. Why would you want that? Honestly, you might as well just have milk.
One persons truth is another persons poison Drugs, Poisons and Metals in Our Meat -- USDA Needs A Major Overhaul | David Kirby
The way I have it figured is that Mickey-D has been around for 60 years. Their hamburgers and cheeseburgers are definitely helping to kill people, but that's only because people eat too many of the bloody things and their health problems are due to obesity.....which can happen from grains, meat, seafood, etc. Corn is killing more people than McD ever will, whether it's by causing too many JDR (Jack Daniels related) car crashes, or making HFCS, or fattening up cows for T-bone steaks. 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 percent of the PITA people have never been on a for-real farm, and they're just parroting stuff that they read on line. The egg that I ate for breakfast this morning? Came from a chicken that I know for dead-bang certain only eats cracked corn and laying pellets (ask somebody who grows chickens) because I can go and watch them play in their 1/2 acre pen in the afternoon if I want to. If eating meat takes 10 years off of my life? I say TAKE THEM! 2 Reasons: 1. Bacon. The smell alone is worth 5 years. 2. Most of the "I don't eat anything with a face" crowd are kinda miserable people. They might statistically live longer, but is that really living? All things in moderation. I figure if I can still meet norms for service in the military for BMI and Physical fitness and my health allows me a good QOL???? I'll continue to be an omnivore for as long as it's legal. Edit: Mostly? I'm doing this to prove that editing posts in the kid's section of this forum is possible, but I do have a Brian Williams confession to make. I ate two eggs this morning.
I just reach into the cupboard for some corn starch if I want a thicker soup instead of free climbing shear rock walls for bird spit.
You have to love Priuschat's targeted ads..... Unlike PITA? The ASPCA is a great organization!! I encourage everyone to contact them and see what their needs are. Our local big box store used to donate food from torn pet food bags to our local shelter until word got out and people started tearing the bags. No good deed ever goes unpunished.....
Yep. Bird nest in the soup isn't a euphemism for something, or made with something like a robin's nest. It is made from cave swallow nests; who make their nest from their dried saliva. It's expensive because it is dangerous work climbing up the cave walls to get the old nests.