GoDaddy Pulls 2015 Super Bowl Ad After Slew Of Negative Feedback From Animal Advocates Take it where you will.....
it's all about perception. i like animals as much as the next person, but no, i do not think that they should have the same rights as a human animal. go daddy's ad's are usually tasteless, so, this doesn't surprise me in the least.
The complaint was that the commercial was condoning puppy mills, which are horrible affairs, and should be banned. But..... The puppy was obviously a pure bred, and reputable breeders don't generally give their puppies away for free. The barn and van also are too clean for the couple puppy mills I've seen. I found the commercial amusing. The general public wouldn't see the puppy mill connection. Then again, they are likely unaware of the issue, and this affair might bring it to their attention.
I don't know. As discussed on another thread, I like most animals. I haven't tried person, though. And if they taste like spam, I'm not keen. I thought it was unusually funny for an American advert. It was a good twist at the end.
It was one of those feel good ads, till he gets home, and he's SOLD! Ahhhh, Oh Henry, not the ending expected. Peta ...People Eating Tasty Animals I support them 100%!
Removing any GoDaddy ad is a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, the coverage of the removal will boost visibility.
Long pig should give a clue on the taste. I'll report if I ever get trapped in my house long enough to go through all the emergency, um cats. I think it might be spoofing one of last years ads from another company where the lost puppy leads to soulmates connecting.
I don't agree with everything PETA advocates - a number of things, but for mainstream animal lovers puppy mills are a big problem. Not only are the conditions for the animals horrible, but their health suspect.
i can't imagine anyone advocating that sort of thing. unfortunately, some people treat animals as throwaway inanimate objects. not usually a fan of peta, but i think their wacko ideas are the ones that get the media attention, i'm sure they do a lot of good.
I'm not really a fan of PITA, nor am I a GoDaddy I don't have a dog in this reference completely intended.
Lame commercial. Lamer complaint. At least they got me to watch it, not that it makes any difference. They are hosting two websites for me and I'm not changing anything over this spot.
Check PETA's record of euthanasia its dismal. IIRC around 90% are killed within the first 24 hours of arriving in a shelter. I'm not a fan.
full admission: I have a URL purchased through GD and have for 12 years now. I still hate them. And neither will change. GoDaddy and I will just have to agree to disagree.