O.K. Why am I intrigued by these Prius ???? Should I, shouldn't I , that's the question . Back story ........... Never really thought too much about the Prius as "my car" . Saw a Gen 3, and sort of liked the look of it. Then I saw the "spaceship" looking drivers cockpit .........how cool is that ! Decided to take a few out for test rides last year while car shopping ..........thought they were really cool , all the Tech ...........awesome. Yea, I could drive this ! Well, alas .............we were not really "looking" for a prius, but an AWD car. Wife loved the Prius (especially the white v model, 5 not V ) , but I kind of insisted we were really looking to get her an AWD, so I didnt have to worry about her when the snow fly's . Settled on a sweet Subaru Legacy Limited ...........she loves it, and traded her BMW 325 in for it. Very happy with the car ..........its a keeper. Also averages roughly 28-30 mpg. For a full size AWD car ..........not bad. Well ............ That darn Prius had been nagging me ever since . Why did really like that thing ??? Could I really be a "Prius" owner ........could that be me ? Starting to look around to replace my car , a BMW 330i (rear wheel drive) . To make matters worse .......its also supercharged and puts down mid 300 HP . How could I give this car up ??? ..........OH yea, the $50.-$60 of premium fuel EVERY week would do it. Fun car, but the fuel alone is equal to a car payment. Originally thought about getting another Subaru (love those! have had 4 so far including a WRX wagon and an STI ) . Like the Outbacks .............but reality check ...........we DONT need another AWD car. My BMW is so bad in the snow, it just sits in the garage when the snow flys. Out comes my Suburban and unlike my BMW, it fully enjoys the bad weather. The Sub aint going anywhere ! So I will always have that back-up if it gets too nasty for a Prius (which would still be WAY better than a rear wheel drive BWM, with way too much power) Hmmm............ maybe a Prius would actually work for us. I could drive that. Would love all the tech stuff, gas savings. Love the look of the gen 3's LOVE that drivers "cockpit" ........its straight out of sci-fi movie, lol . O.K. not really, but its so cool and user friendly ! Everything is right there at your finger tips. SO , I happened across a nice 2011 Gen 3 from my favorite dealer (love dealing with this particular dealer ............just makes everything so easy) . Its only a 2 , but I really dont have need for the Nav system, Sunroof , leather heated seats etc. ...........a 2 would be fine for me. Its Silver ..............my 2nd favorite Prius color (love that dark greyish color , whats that called ............winter something?) Anyway, on closer inspection ...............this is the same Prius we test drove about 8 months prior at the same dealer. Why is it still there ? Well they are not a Toyota dealer ..............so maybe people are spooked with buying a Prius from a non-Toyota dealer ............ but I think mostly , Hybrids are just not selling right now. SO it sits. Anyway .............that car , a Silver 2011 Gen 3 , dark grey cloth interior , in perfect condition. Only approx 30,000 miles, and carfax is clean (1 owner) was about $18,995 . Drives and runs great. Everything works. Seemed like an O.K. deal. Then we purchased a Subaru .............and promptly forgot anbout this Prius. Now that I notice it again ............the price has been dropping the whole time its been for sale. Now they are "asking" $13,995. for it. I am sure I can manage to get them down to somewhere in the $12's for it .............they want it GONE , and hybrids are not "hot" right now with gas prices so low. I am thinking $13,000 out the door would get it . So , good deal ? Its already $5000 less than they were asking, and I know they will go more to get rid of it. Should I jump on it ? BMW to a Prius ..............crazy or crazy good ? Would love to save a ton of cash on fuel, and I really do think it would be an exciting driving experience ..........just different than my BMW. One problem ...............if I do get it .............I am sure there will be some fighting on who gets to drive it ...........wife is still pissed she didnt get a Prius last time. SO of course , shes on board with the decision. As she hates my "race car" BMW . I know fuel prices will be going back up, and now is a GREAT time to buy a hybrid . Dealers really want to make some deals on these. Agghhh ..........decisions , decisions. Should I do it ? Anybody jump into a Prius from another type of car and thought they made a mistake ? Please share !
Interesting you should say that . They did have to use a jump box on it, because it sat so long. After that everything seemed fine. Should I insist on a new battery with the deal ? I have heard about the 12 volt batterys being a possible weak spot. Dont want to start off with a questionable one !
Yes. Try to get a new battery. Once they completely discharge they are damaged and will never take a full charge.
Went from a Porsche to a Prius. Part of the fun was the Prius is so different. My last fill up after two weeks was $10.05. I don't miss the power, do miss the top down on those special days. Any car that sits on a lot for months is bound to have a marginal battery. It's not like they fail on a Prius if regularly used or kept on a maintainer. Modern cars with fancy electronics like remote keys and push button start do drain a battery.
After an Infiniti FX45 and Acura tsx SE, I bought a Toyota Prius Certified 5 months ago(looks and feels new, love it; 2011 Prius L | PriusChat) I have more fun than ever before(fun is fascination with how and what the car does during operation), and the utility of the hatch, nice! You may want to keep the BMW for now. A clever PriusChat member here once wrote: "Buying a Prius is an insurance policy against future gas prices"
Your headline says Leap Of Faith, but I think it's the opposite. It's rational thought that will bring you to the Prius. The car is well built and - although each model has its issues - I think it's an engineering marvel. Sounds like a really good price on that particular car. If you're as ready to get rid of the Beamer as it seems you (and your wife) are, sounds like a good time. And it sounds like you'll be scoring big points with the missus.
So you guys all know the $2. gas thing is temporary right ............. Timing is everything in life. Hybrids are not selling right now, so there are deals to be had.
good point. get a great deal on a hybrid, and, get a great price for the beemer. buy low, sell high, why didn't i think of that?
Agreed ........... it will probably go down as the smartest car purchase I have ever made, lol . I told the wife I was looking to buy another car, and I already figured out what I wanted. ........ She rolled her eyes bit bit, huffed .........and said now what, lol. Fully expecting me to say some wild nice person fast car (normal ). When I said a Prius, well ..........she didnt quite know how to react. She was at a loss for words, lol . Thats a first ..........so I know it must be "right" . Then she got all excited while visions of dancing Prii danced in her head . Btw, we already trader HER BMW in for the Subaru ! Exactly !
Already have a Suburban. Dont need another, lol. A good day is 12 MPG. Just a little bit worse than a Prius .
Seems like you have most bases covered - Legacy for AWD, Suburban for a LOT of utility and passenger capability and the Prius would complement the garage nicely (just missing the weekend sports car haha). I would definitely insist on a new 12V battery. If they're desperate to get rid of it, then they might not mind (hopefully they put a proper OEM or aftermarket one and not one from some cheap parts store). Gas prices are more expensive in Canada (morethan $5.30/gal last summer for 87) and I'm spending 1/2 what I would've spent on a 4 cylinder midsize (think 2010 Camry/Accord/6 etc). Yes the Camry is more comfortable but that extra spending money (or rainy day money!) is nice to have in the bank account. Plus, when the economy is down (or any other dip in stocks or commodities), all that money you saved now goes even further cause prices have dropped (flights, vacations, possibly food).
If you haven't already bought it, and they're still selling it for that price, I would say go for it. But like others have mentioned, insist they put a new battery in, preferably OEM. Or ask if they'll refund you if you buy the battery from a Toyota dealership to ensure it's OEM. I like that the Gen 3 doesn't have any traditional belts in the engine. I hated having to hear the chirping noise they made when they started to wear out on my 93 Honda Civic, and it's one less thing to worry about replacing. My last fill up cost me $16.97 (gas was $1.85 at the time), and I can usually go about 2 weeks before having to fill up again. It's about 19 miles to my workplace, and about 12 of those miles are freeway (I usually do 60 mph and just stay mostly in the right lane unless I'm passing someone going even slower than me), and the rest is suburbs/back country roads with minimal stoplight/signs to worry about. By the way, regarding snow driving with the Prius, I'll share my experiences with you on it, since I live in Wisconsin. We haven't had much snow so far this year (*knock on wood), but using Michelin X-ICE XI3 tires I haven't had any issues whatsoever with driving in ice/snow, so long as it's not more than 4 inches deep or so. The prius sits rather low to the ground, so any higher and it becomes a makeshift snow plow. But I imagine other cars have that issue as well, something an SUV or truck would come in handy for. On my prius c I had last year with the same brand tires, I had no problems at all, and was surprised that I was passing up trucks and SUV's on the freeway doing 40 mph when it snowed. And while I watched some of them glide to a stop, I didn't have any issues unless I had to hard brake, but with a prius you learn to use your car's momentum to minimize gas usage when coming to a stop sign/light. So basically what I'm saying is that a prius can handle winter weather just fine if you get a good set of snow tires. And when it's not snowing or icy out, you can enjoy getting 50+ mpg regularly. And even if you do 70-80 you'll still get better mpg than everything other than a plug-in vehicle.
gas isnt staying at 2 gal. it's going back up already where i live. closest station for me is already showing 2.25. only a matter of time before its above 3.
SO, here is my update ................ Still no Prius in the driveway . Was out of town all weekend until yesterday , and the dealer is NOT caving in and going as low as I had hoped. I am at $13,450 ............and nothing is working to get them any lower. Even walked out ,never called them and said to call ME if they could go $13,000 ..........and they never called. I dont NEED the car, and they know it , but I will buy if the numbers are right . SO they must be pretty firm on the price ...........even though it still sits. Originally (8+ months ago) , they had it at $18,995. , so $13,450 is still $5500. off of what they were asking , and (I think) a great price for a 2011 with low miles . BTW,to recap, its a 2011 Silver Prius 2 with 30,000 miles on it , in great shape. Drives great and everything works like it should. From everything I have seen ........$13,450 is a really good price for a 2011 with 30,000 miles. Fuel prices are starting to inch up again, and I dont want to loose it if its a good car for a good price. My stubbornness may be cause this being sold out from under me . What do you think ? $13,450 a good price ? May just pull the trigger on Friday, if I dont hear from them tomorrow.
Too bad you didn't do all that last week...they may have caved to get it in for the end of the month accounting. Now you may have to wait until the end of Feb. If you truly don't need the car, and you don't want to go any lower, you should just wait until the last few days of the month. Go back in and find the most desperate salesman working late at night and you might get the deal you want. BTW, it's very possible that the salesman is reading this thread. I mean, they have the internets, too. Just sayin'.