Hi to everyone Purchasing my first prius in about a week or two hopefully, I'm choosing a 2010-2011 Prius just not sure on what color, black or white? Whats the most Important I should look for when inspecting it if I decide to buy from non toyota dealer??
The white ones are more energy efficient. Probably the most important things to look for would be accurate service records and a good mechanic to give the car a thorough inspection before you sign your life away. After you buy the car, the most important thing to look at would be the dipstick. Priuses have a 10,000 mile oil change interval, and a very small oil sump. Since Prius drivers often confuse oil change interval with oil check interval, it's not at all uncommon for them to start drinking and smoking a little bit at an early age. It's not a big deal if you catch it early enough - and you can still knock down 250,000 miles even if you have to add an additional quart every now and then. Just beware. Good Luck!
USA ONLY I know but give us your state as some CARB states get 150k miles warranty so maybe pick one that has more time left. But so far Gen3 battery failure has been almost none to speak of. White is best (bias ) no I don't really know if it is better.
Congratulations! I will hopefully be picking my new one today. It is white, but only because it was the last '14 they had on the lot.
It's a temperature thing.....but I was mostly kidding. White is easier to keep clean. Black is the prettiest color by far, but then you have to drive it. Unless you dedicate your life to keeping it clean, it will look like crap in a few years. One good thing buying a used black car is that you will more likely notice how well the exterior was cared for, whether it was garage kept...etc.
A clean and waxed black car IS indeed a sight to behold. My neighbor used to have a black Chevy Impala LTZ. He was semi-retired, so he had the time to really keep it clean. Beautiful. Simply beautiful! Not the type of stuff I want to do though . . . at least not right now. White cars depend on the color. Buick's white is more of a pearl, and I don't like it. Toyota's Blizzard is nice, and I love the white Patriots. There is a Prius owner here in town who took his white Prius and had it "dipped" matte white. That and his black wheels really make a nice contrast. I'm not typically a fan of black wheels, but his combination works.
I'd go for the white one if you park outside regularly. Black ones will heat up your car more, and require slightly more AC usage, or more driving with the windows down which saps your mpg a little.
I bought my first prius a week ago! 2011 I guess its a base model? No bluetooth on steering wheel, toyota certified. Ended up getting black cause it seems everybody has the white, saw like 10 whites on way to dealer.